RE S EARCH GPS tests useful even without results “Eerste proefresultaten “De Wadden” Ras Carlita 35 / 55 Locatie plantwijze maat 1 GPS < 25 25/35 35/45 45/50 50/60 60+ 2 std < 25 25/35 35/45 45/50 50/60 60+ 3 GPS < 25 25/35 35/45 45/50 50/60 60+ 4 std < 25 25/35 35/45 45/50 50/60 60+ 5 GPS < 25 25/35 35/45 45/50 50/60 60+ soil and making a comparison between the ploughs and spades. Our aim is to grow at the cutting edge.’ Years of overcropping ‘The soil condition plays a vital role in the improved farm management of the Friesians. The condition of various plots has been mapped by now. When you see the digitalised maps, you already start to think about the differences. We discuss it among ourselves, and that is the advantage when you take on something together. One of the things that clearly showed from the maps is that we have seriously exhausted our lands through overcropping in past years. Heavy harvesters and transport equipment have affected the quality of our soils, despite the fact that we have added more organic matter in the form of livestock manure and green manure, says Oosterhof. But I consider such a conclusion as a gain. You are quite a good farmer when you recognise the problems and are halfway to solving them. CO-OPERATION PROTOCOL ALIGNS TESTS With the arrival of De Wadden foundation there are now four project groups active in the north of the Netherlands in the field of precision agriculture. In order to streamline our separate tests and research and to avoid doing certain things twice, we have recently drawn up a protocol, says Oosterhof. The protocol ensures, for example, that the variation in plant spacing should be the same in all projects. This makes it possible to make reliable comparisons of the results from the various regions, such as the first measurements of precision planting. The research conducted by De Wadden has shown that variation in plant spacing according to lutum content in the soil produces more harvestable tubers of the desired size. kg 0,2 0,25 1,35 1,9 1,35 0 5,05 0,2 0,3 0,95 1,7 1,7 0,6 5,45 0,1 0,2 0,9 1,7 1,65 0,55 5,10 0 0,25 0,6 1,4 2,1 1,2 5,55 0,1 0,35 1,05 1,25 1,75 0,85 5,35 2005 aantal aantal knollen poters 14 11 30 27 14 0 96 13 13 23 23 15 4 91 7 9 19 21 14 3 73 1 10 15 18 18 7 69 6 15 26 25 14 5 91 14 11 11 12 12 16 Potatoworld 2006 Pagina 15
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