The innovative Grimme technology gives you more. Potato technology – harmonizing technology throughout the whole year: Stet Holland B.V. Industrieweg 16 8304 AD Emmeloord P.O. Box 83 8300 AB Emmeloord, Holland Phone +31(0)527 - 630063 Fax +31(0)527 - 615391 Successful planting – harvesting success: the planting technology, a beginning for a successful harvest. Cultivated growing: the cultivation technology does not only keep your ridges in top-shape. Innovative harvester: the harvesting technology persuades you with it high output and reliability. Ideal for the daily use: the handling equipment for gentle storing. World innovation: the new 2-row self-prOpelled potato harvester the SF 170GT with its unrestricted overview of the intake unit. The robust built machine powered by a Mercedes Benz 326 hp engine, innovative sieving and separator options promotes increased output and lifting efficiency. Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG Hunteburger Straße 32 Phone+49 5491 666-0 Fax +49 5491 666-298 Pagina 17
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