TRADE AND MARKETING Wageningen International Potato Course fills a need Wageningen International (WI) annually organises the international potato course ‘Seed Potato Technology, Certification and Supply Systems’. Although more than 800 people from 80 different countries have already taken part, the interest in the course remains enormous. year to attend the international potato course. The reason is the increasing international interest for the potato as a food crop as was once again demonstrated during the UN International Year of the Potato. The potato is of vital importance for the provision of food for over a billion people in the entire world. It is a wellknown fact that the potato is an efficient food crop with high energy production per ha per day. It is, however, necessary to have sufficient knowledge about the crop to realise the potential of the potato. The Netherlands is internationally regarded as a knowledge country, especially where it concerns variety development and multiplication, but also in the domain of entire, sustainable potato chains. The course keys into this international demand for potato knowledge. G roups of foreign potato people come to Wageningen every All parts of the world The course focuses on project managers, farm managers, and inspectors of inspection services, researchers, extension officers, policymakers and executive staff of research and breeding stations who are all involved in the development of the potato. Participants come from all parts of the world and they often remain in contact with the Dutch potato sector after the course. The course programme lasts 4 weeks and runs from 1 to 26 June 2009. Wageningen International gets support from leading Dutch potato institutes such as the Dutch General Inspection Service For Agricultural Seed And Seed Potatoes (NAK), the Plant Protection Service (PD), the Netherlands Potato Consultative Foundation (NIVAP), Wageningen University and various research institutes. Moreover, various trading compaThe international potato course is also a course that trains people for the position of potato ambassador, plus the knowledge about, and the confidence in the Dutch system of seed production and certification. Potato World 2009 • number 2 15 Pagina 14

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