P o t a t o w o r Journal for the Potato sector • number 2 • 2009 Refreshing ideas at Fruit Logistica > page 5 9 PW-actua 15 Wageningen International Potato Course fills a need 23 Inhibiting sprouts with ethylene is simple, safe and harmless 26 Farm frites judges new varieties 29 The world of Potato Research 30 Potato World dish 30 Agenda l d CONTENT: Descent to the source of the quality mineral potassium > page 18 Dare to make choices At a time when the credit crunch ghost still stalks the world, we read in the second issue of this year’s Potato World that entrepreneurs in the international potato sector are primarily investing in quality. At Fruit Logistica in Berlin, the place where fresh food specialists could present themselves to a large international potato trade public, a few new developments have attracted our attention. Also after descending 800 metres under the potato fields to the potash mines, what has remained in my mind’s eye is that investing in providing quality definitely pays off. This applies equally to big trading companies and to individual growers. What I think is important is that as an entrepreneur you make choices and then turn them into a solid business plan. At the very least, this means that you need to be confident as to your own tradesmanship; know your own strength and that of your line of work. These are subjects that are explained at length in a plethora of management journals. In addition, there are also many good and practical books such as the Dutch-language booklet: Dromen, Durven Doen [Dreams, Dare, Do], written by Ben Tiggelaar. In his book, Tiggelaar gives tips for putting your plans into practice. And there are also many conferences where you can learn how to realise your plans. In my view, many growers would do well to look over the borders of their businesses and even of their own countries. This year, the Potato Europe event will be held in the Netherlands. During this potato show, a high-quality conference and field demonstration will reveal a wide range of developments which will help visitors determine their own future choices. I just wonder what choices you will dare to make. Do you want to comment? Then please let us know at: info@potatoworld.nl. Jaap Delleman Potato World 2009 • number 2 3 Pagina 2

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