 Dutch company China concludes mega order in They say China is big business, ‘Great things are awaiting this world power’, is also the message from the media. And that’s the truth, at least where the development of the agricultural sector is concerned. We were able to see and hear examples of this ourselves recently when we were in this gigantic country. Economic recession or not, potato yields are increasing here at a rapid tempo. This year, potato acreage has already reached 6 million hectares, which was only a ‘mere’ 4 million hectares 10 years ago. The Chinese aim of adding 2 million hectares to the total acreage per decade seems to have been successful. An additional 2 million hectares means 2 million times the average yield of 15 tons per hectare, or 30 million tons of potatoes per 10 years. The increase in itself is already tenfold the entire potato production of the Netherlands. The Chinese government is aiming for 8 million hectares in 2015. The growth in tons will then have exceeded the increases of the past ten years. The differences in yields per hectare are currently still quite large: they still range from 10 to 35 tons per hectare. If large companies such as the Xisen Potato Industry Group from YanQing have their way, this will change rapidly. Both the small potato growers and the bigger ones will be able to achieve much higher yields per hectare with new varieties such as those that Liang Xisen sells. Potato World 2009 • number 3 17 Pagina 16

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