Potato World dish Roast baby potatoes with garlic and pepper B aby potatoes are easy to roast, and because they are so small they are also very quickly done. If you leave them unpeeled, preparation is even simpler and it is healthier as well! AG EN DA 10-14 November 2009 Agri Technica 09 Hannover, Germany www.agritechnica.com 18 November 2009 Aardappeldemowdag congres Emmeloord www.aardappeldemodag.nl 25-26 November 2009 British Potato 2009 Harrogate, Great Brittain www.potato.org.uk Side dish, 4 persons. Preparation time: approximately 10 minutes (plus 20 minutes in the oven). • 600 grams of small new potatoes in their skins • 5 cloves of garlic • ½ tablespoon of coarse sea salt • 1 heaped teaspoon of coarsely crushed or ground mixed peppercorns • 2 tablespoons of olive oil • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice • 2 tablespoons of fresh mixed green herbs (parsley, chives, sage or only basil) 14-17 December 2009 Landbouw werktuigenbeurs Leeuwarden www.wtclandbouw.nl 20-21 Januari 2010 BioVak Zwolle www.biovak.nl © Aardappelwereld BV Preheat oven to 200°C. Clean the potatoes thoroughly all over and wipe them dry. Leave them to dry thoroughly for a while. Pierce the potatoes once using a fork. Peel the cloves of garlic. Place the potatoes with the cloves of garlic, the olive oil, the coarse sea salt and the ground pepper into a baking dish and mix well. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Place the dish for approximately 20 minutes in the pre-heated oven. Turn twice during cooking time. Meanwhile, finely chop the herbs. Take the dish out of the oven, sprinkle with the fresh herbs and mix well. Tip: Delicious with grilled slices of zucchini and large prawns marinated and fried in garlic oil. Ingrid van den Arend 2-4 februari 2010 Kiev Agrihort Kiev, Oekraïne www.bto-exhibitions.nl 3-5 februari 2010 Fruitlogistica Berlin, Germany www.fruitlogistica.com 8-9 September 2010 Potato Europe 2010 Bockerode, Germany www.potatoeurope.com No part of these articles and/or illustrations may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher. Publisher and authors state that this magazine has been compiled in good faith and with the greatest care. Consequently, they accept no liability whatsoever for any damage that is the result of acts and/or decisions that are based on the information provided. Translations Ineke Touber Printer Koninklijke De Swart The Hague NL Advertising and Subscriptions Herman L. Vorst Tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 Fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Subscription rates for 2009 € 75,-Potato World magazine Publisher Aardappelwereld BV Address van Stolkweg 31 P.O. Box 84102 2508 AC DEN HAAG Netherlands tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Website: www.PotatoWorld.nl Editorial Ing. Jaap Delleman (Editorial Director) Ing. Leo F. Hanse (Editor) tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl P o t a t o w o r l d 26 Potato World 2009 • number 3 Pagina 25
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