P o t a t o w o r l d Journal for the Potato sector • number 3 • 2009 out on 30 million euros every year > European potato breeders miss page 5 8 PW-actua 11 Not the lowest price but one that is ‘appropriate’ 14 Potatoes keep you young 25 The world of Potato Research 26 Potato World dish 26 Agenda CONTENT: Dutch company concludes mega order in China > page 17 Var iet y protect ion i s a real chal lenge For me, my recent introduction to the Chinese potato sector around Beijing has been a real eye-opener. What activity, what nerve, what opportunities. That the Dutch APH Group was able to do business here worth over 10 million euros, and was promptly paid as agreed as well, does not surprise me in the least. What I have seen here is the same drive with which the Chinese must have built the impressive Chinese wall many centuries ago. A great deal therefore needs to happen if all the objectives that were set by the government are to be carried out. A matter that requires a great deal of attention is the protection of varieties in this enormous country. During the meeting of European potato merchants, the European Seed Association (ESA) calculated that, in Europe alone, potato breeders miss out on over 30 million euros of royalties every year, so think of what that could be worldwide! What we see is that China, too, wants to start protecting varieties. During our interview with Liang Xisen, the entrepreneur sighed that, as far as the monitoring of second growth is concerned, the system still leaves a lot to be desired. He is glad, however, that a lot is being done to get things right. In addition to Chinese varieties, it is especially the American varieties that are being grown in this country. And yet, the Dutch trading companies, together with their Chinese partners, are also examining the possibility of selling Dutch varieties here. This is an important development in order to implement the necessary improvements in the potato chain. Jaap Delleman Potato World 2009 • number 3 3 Pagina 2

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