P o t a t o w o r l d Journal for the Potato sector • number 4 • 2009 always finds a way to break down resistance > page 4 Phytophthora 7 PW-actua 16 PotatoEurope 2009 25 New Zealand offers versatile and sophisticated potato cultivation 37 Breeding station Meijer now focuses on resistant potato varieties 41 The world of Potato Research 42 Potato World dish 42 Agenda CONTENT: World climate change calls for drastic changes in potato cultivation > page 11 New Zealand economy i s not onl y about money A week of travelling around New Zealand paints a wonderful picture of this amazing country. It has beautiful nature and a welcoming population. No matter which potato grower or company I visited, I was always warmly-received. Most striking in this country was that the economy of the Kiwis was not only about money. It is the quality of life that the inhabitants of this country consider really important. The result is that, in general, the people live a very relaxed life. A visit to a born-andbred Kiwi, for example, but also to a Dutch immigrant, always ended in a mutual exchange of knowledge and experiences, where time didn’t seem to matter a great deal. And we talked not only about potato growing or the potato trade, but also about the social aspects of living in New Zealand. A good example of the nature of this population is the organisation of the World Potato Congress. The French stepped down at the last moment, after which the New Zealanders were offered the organisation of the event. Within six weeks, the 290 potato growers of this country had already decided to put their shoulders to the wheel and give a guarantee for 1 million NZ dollars to organise this prestigious event in their country. In general, the New Zealander wants to develop himself personally. This means that the youngsters often travel around the world for a year to gain experience. But if we look at the New Zealand potato growers, we see that they are also not shy about travelling around the world to follow developments. They opt for products that fit within the bounds of possibility in their country. In the farmyards of the growers, I saw a mishmash of machinery and buildings from all over the world. New Zealand is a country of new opportunities, also with regard to potatoes. For example, after eights years, it is possible again to import varieties from the Netherlands and the country finds itself on the eve of a big change. This could definitely help towards meeting the need for important export markets for the country – there are only four million people living in New Zealand itself. I am therefore not surprised that nearly all European trading companies have some sort of representation in this country. ● Jaap Delleman Potato World 2009 • number 4 3 Pagina 2

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