RE S EARCH Breeding station Meijer now focuses on resistant potato varieties ence, usually seed potato growers themselves, who can tell us what goes on in potato growing. Incidentally, selection in the field, in whatever climates or soil types, are the most important contribution to breeding. What we are looking for most are varieties that can adapt easily.’ Nursery with state-of-the-art facilities The basis of the breeding programme includes the renovated crossing and breeding greenhouse and that is what Meijer has also invested in heavily. Proudly, Heselmans takes us to the new glass building next to the laboratory. ‘Do you want anothHeselmans’ description. ‘We are now in a fully climate-controlled greenhouse. Temperature, humidity and nutrients are all computer controlled. The most important thing is that the greenhouse is much bigger, as a result of which the climate can be better controlled; there are fewer temperature fluctuations. It is of the utmost importance that plants in the crossing greenhouse can develop in a steady temperature, especially when they have just been pollinated. Our breeding programme has grown in recent years and, because of the developments, it can continue to do so. If something should go wrong in this greenhouse, we won’t be able to stick to our programme and keep it ‘If we could be first to present a variety with multiple resistance genes to Phytophthora, wouldn’t that be wonderful.’ er nice picture? Just come with me, Heselmans invites us enthusiastically. He then whizzes along the rows with splendid crossing parents towards what he regards a unique specimen. ‘It is not often you see them so magnificent.’ Heselmans points at a cluster of berries as large as marbles with all the flower petals in tact on top. ‘This is now a wonderful example of a very successful crossing.’ he explains passionately. It is obvious that this is the working area of a passionate breeder, who knows each and every new shoot inside out. And he is a very lucky man, because his babies can now grow up in a brandnew nursery. One with state-of-the-art facilities, we read in up-to-date. We can no longer leave things to chance. And yes, in our old greenhouse, a flower might drop off every now and again during hot periods. ‘Thanks to the new greenhouse, which also has a bigger surface, Heselmans has also more facilities at his disposal to raise seedlings. Together with the old greenhouse, there is more space for raising seedlings for DNA analysis, but it is also possible to carry out more simple chores such as leaf picking. ● Leo Hanse RESISTANT POTATO VARIETIES IMPORTANT FOR COMMERCE ‘It is important if you want to sell varieties that you your basis is solid. Resistances to varieties play an important role’, is the experience of sales manager Johan van der Stee. At the Meijer sales department, people are also very happy with the investment in the new breeding station. ‘Stagnation means decline, the market always wants more’, is the reaction of sales manager Johan van de Stee. ‘It is important if you want to sell varieties that you your basis is solid. Variety resistance plays an important role in that.’ Particularly if, like Meijer, you are still in the midst of looking for new partners, says Van der Stee. ‘We are always on the look out for companies that feel very strongly about quality, both in this country and abroad. What is important is that companies are reliable,’ With that reliability, Van der Stee especially means the paying of royalties. ‘We are always very sharp whether our prospective customers accept the plant breeders’ rights. And that is not without reason, because investing as we have recently done at the breeding station is an expensive hobby.’ Potato World 2009 • number 4 39 Pagina 38

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