PW-ACTUA New Miedema box filler also be entirely new. It has back-lit pushbuttons, a multifunctional turning knob / pushbutton, an attractive design and a simplified menu structure, which makes the machine easy to configure and operate. Also features Start Control The MB 33 also features Start Control. This system connects all Miedema machines to each other and ensures that the entire storage system can be started one machine at a time as well as immediatelystopped, all with one push of a button. When the MB 33 has reached the end of a filling cycle and both boxes have been filled, the system will automatically stop. When an empty box has been positioned again, the system will also automatically start again. ● Pommonde potatoes now available on the internet During the Agritechnica Miedema introduced a new box filler, the MB 33 During the Agritechnica Miedema introduced a new box filler, the MB 33. This box filler is the logical successor in the innovative road that Miedema embarked upon a few years ago. The MB 33 is a box filler type whereby the boxes are on the floor and the conveyor belt bends into the box to fill it layer by layer in a product-friendly manner. What is unique about this box filler is the possibility to fill up boxes with a bent conveyor. This is now possible, because the conveyor frame has been suspended in a carriage and, thus, can move independently from the carriage. When either end of the conveyor belt bends into the box, the arrester flaps automatically push onto the belt to keep product speed low. Sensors at the end of the belt monitor the distance of the product to the box and fully autonomously ensure that the filling belt moves up and/or sideways. Quick adjustment As soon as the box has been filled, the belt folds up fully, providing extra space to pick up the box and move it out. The machine design is such that the machine can be used to fill short, narrow, as well as long and wide boxes, up to a length of 260 cm. The feet are height-adjustable which allows for quick adjustment to any box size. The operator terminal of this machine will The especially-tasty Pommonde potatoes have been available at more than 250 Albert Heijn supermarkets for some time. One more point-of-sale has been added to that number: the Albert Heijn web shop Potatoes that are packaged under the Pommonde brand name are potatoes that have been specially grown and selected for their natural taste. Sensorial characteristics such as texture, aroma and taste determine taste profiles. Variety, type of soil and growing method influence the taste of potatoes. All naturally-grown potatoes are examined for taste in the laboratory. Only the tastiest potatoes are ultimately good enough to be packaged for Pommonde. The brand offers taste concepts that correspond with the taste preferences of groups of consumers. There are 4 tastes: Fine, creamy and refined; Bite, firm and tasty; Ripe, floury; Lite, airy and soft. A 2.5 kg bag of Pommonde potatoes costs E 29. ● JOPPE Pregerm™ system * quick start * 20 years experience * early harvest Potato World 2009 • number 4 9 Pagina 8

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