RE SEARCH Bacteria project completed? By pregerminating seed lightly before germination, growth is speeded up before the tubers are planted. symptoms of Erwinia emerge at an earlier stage, which makes it possible to remove more diseased plants at an earlier and more manageable stage. Furthermore, this accelerated growth speeds up the rotting process of the mother tubers. However, all this depends greatly on the variety, or whether or not the tubers have completely rotted away before harvesting. From that point of view, one might say that a particular variety may also play a role. Another important advantage of early infection is that there will also be fewer rotting daughter tubers at the time of harvesting. Haulm pulling appears to be encouraging a pulling apart and an early disappearance of the mother tubers, is the conclusion of the project group. However, haulm pulling now also goes hand in hand with haulm pulverisation, which means that Erwinia can be spread over the plot with the machine used for pulverisation. The question then is, will this also lead to infection of the seed harvest? According to the PEOPLE INVOLVED AND CONTINUATION The ‘Bacteria-free potato seed cultivation – a challenge’ was started four years ago as a joint initiative of Dutch growers and potato trade organisations. The first organisations to be involved where LTO (Dutch Federation of Agricultural and Horticultural Organisations), NAO (Dutch Potato Organisation), HPA (Commodity Board for Arable Farming), NAK (Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Seed and Seed Potatoes), Agrico, HZPC, Meijer, Van RIjn and Averis. In order to carry out the necessary research, a project group was set up with representatives of potato growers and the potato trade, HZPC-R&D, PRI (Plant Research International) and NAK. The project started with a budget of half a million euros, which was make available by LTO (via HPA) and NAO. Some more sponsors were sought at a later stage, among which InterpolisAgro, Rabobank, LIB Noord-Brabant, the province of Flevoland and the Partnership Noord-Nederland. These organisations together gathered another four hundred thousand euros to make the necessary research possible. This money was used for the appointment of one full-time researcher. Meanwhile, a new research project has been started: Delta plan Erwinia. This plan is threefold: the first component, part A, pertains to fundamental research, which is carried out by the researchers of Wageningen University. Part B focuses on applied research. Part C deals with practical studies, and will be partly financed by LTO and NAO. The latter parties each provide 240,000 euros annually for a period of four years. To finance part A and B, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Food Quality was requested to provide funds, but it is not clear yet whether the Ministry will contribute. Potato World 2010 • number 1 19 Pagina 18

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