P o t a t o w o r Journal for the Potato sector • number 1 • 2010 Piet de Bruijne, Farm Frites: ‘I am firmly convinced that squeezing the sector is not going to help us at all’ > page 4 Potato Demonstration Day Conference > 7 PW-actua 17 Bacteria project completed? 22 The world of Potato Research 23 Proper ridging important weapon against green discolouration 26 Potato World dish 26 Agenda l d CONTENT: 2009 Looking ahead in times of crisis page 9 Making choices on the basis of knowledge Knowledge is power is a well-known and wise saying. But this saying is not taken to heart by everyone. If you look at the current consumption potato market, everyone can see that the structural over-production is causing prices to fall. This is not only happening in Europe, but also in many other parts of the world. Potato growers should use this knowledge better in their management. The industries have been doing this already for years. They are cleverly playing on the growers’ sentiments by making it known far before the growing season that there are too many potatoes, which results in the contracts being quickly signed again, even before the season has started. The next thing is that the players in the sector will meekly go on to the next spring, in the hope that the contract can be fulfilled again without too many problems. At the Potato Demonstration Day, which was held not long ago, the viewpoint was that it is important to make choices in your farm management. Every entrepreneur in the potato sector is responsible for his own choices. How? One way is to gather information at conferences such as the one recently held at Emmeloord. In an extensive article about that interesting day, you can read what input such conferences have for you. The ultimate decisions, however, must be taken at home at your kitchen table. That is not easy, but there are enough examples of growers who made great progress by taking innovative steps. Jaap Delleman Potato World 2010 • number 1 3 Pagina 2

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