Potato World dish Fried potatoes with a difference come. This dish simply cannot fail and the added spices give it its very special taste. A quick fry, a little white wine, pop it in the oven and that’s all there is to it. It gives you ample time to chat with your friends and family, and enjoy a nice meal at the same time. A simple and appetising spicy potato dish is always welAGENDA 27-29 May 2010 Europatat congress Edinburgh, Great Brittain www.europatat.org 12 August 2010 Potatoes in Practice Balruddery Farm, Great Brittain www.scri.ac.uk 26 August 2010 Weuthen Kartoffeltag Walniel, Germany www.weuthen-gmbh.de 1 September 2010 Potato Demo Day 2010 Westmaas, The Netherlands www. aardappeldemodag.nl Side dish, serves 4 persons. Preparation time: approx. 10 minutes (plus 15 minutes in the oven). • 4 big, slightly floury potatoes (approx. 1 kilo) • olive oil • 1 clove of garlic • 1 stick of cinnamon • 1½ teaspoon of cumin seeds • a splash of white wine • salt, coarsely ground pepper • Extra: frying pan with ovenproof handle Preheat oven to 200°C. Peel the potatoes and cut into large chunks. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan with an oven-proof handle. Fry the potatoes turning them continuously. Press the garlic over the potatoes, add the cinnamon stick and the cumin seeds and stir-fry, turning thoroughly, for 3 to 4 more minutes. Add the white wine, add salt and pepper and leave the wine to evaporate on a high heat. Put the pan in the pre-heated oven. If you don’t have a pan with an oven-proof handle, simultaneously heat an oven dish, grease it and put the potatoes in the oven dish. Bake the potatoes until golden and done in around 15 to 20 minutes. Turn the potatoes once during baking. Serve immediately or keep warm at 90°C. Delicious with a hot winter Christmas dish of game and stewed pears. Tip: Vary the spices or use fresh herbs (rosemary, thyme, chives). Ingrid van den Arend 8-9 September 2010 Potato Europe 2010 Bockerode, Germany www.potatoeurope.com 17-21 Oktober 2010 SIAL Paris, France www.sial.fr 3-5 November 2010 Variety Days Various breeding companies, The Netherlands 28-30 november 2010 Interpom-Primeurs Kortrijk, Belgium www.interpom-primeurs.be 7-10 December 2010 Agrovak Den Bosch, The Netherlands www.agrovak.nl 21- 30 Januari 2011 Grüne Woch Berlin, Germany www.gruenewoche.com 9-11 Februari 2011 Fruitlogistica Berlin, Germany www.fruitlogistica.com 20-24 Februari 2011 SIMA Paris, France www.simaonline.com Editorial Ing. Jaap Delleman (Editorial Director) Ing. Leo F. Hanse (Editor) tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Advertising and Subscriptions Herman L. Vorst Tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 Fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Subscription rates for 2010 € 75,-© Aardappelwereld BV No part of these articles and/or illustrations may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher. Publisher and authors state that this magazine has been compiled in good faith and with the greatest care. Consequently, they accept no liability whatsoever for any damage that is the result of acts and/or decisions that are based on the information provided. Translations Ineke Touber Printer Koninklijke De Swart The Hague NL Potato World magazine Publisher Aardappelwereld BV Address van Stolkweg 31 P.O. Box 84102 2508 AC DEN HAAG Netherlands tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Website: www.PotatoWorld.nl P o t a t o w o r l d 42 Potato World 2010 • number 2 Pagina 41
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