PW-ACTUA Pieter Oosterveld resigns as director of the Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Seed and Seed Potatoes (NAK) On 1 September, Pieter Oosterveld (61) will resign as general manager of the NAK. After Mr Oosterveld had indicated his wish to resign as general manager, the NAK Board decided in February 2010, to reorganise the NAK organisation. As of 1 September 2010, the NAK will be led by one director. The Board has appointed the present technical director, Mr Eric Casteleijn as director of the NAK. Oosterveld will hand over his tasks to Mr Casteleijn in the coming months. During his time as a director (1983 - 2010), Oosterveld changed the NAK from a decentralised organisation with regional inspection services to one central organisation with its main office in Emmeloord. In 2008, the overall tasks were expanded to include phytosanitary inspections. Since the reorganisation in 1993, innovation has been a key factor. Investing in new laboratory methods, people and automation has resulted in what the NAK is today, a modern, innovative inspection service. Besides being a director of the NAK, Oosterveld is also director of NAK AGRO. He will continue in this position after 1 September. NAK AGRO was set up under the leadership of Pieter Retiring NAK director Pieter Oosterveld will continue as director of NAK AGRO after 1 September. Oosterveld in 1995 and, together with its subsidiary companies ISACert and ISACert Nederland, it has expanded into the largest food chain certification service in the Netherlands. The strength of NAK AGRO and its subsidiaries lies in the fact that, both nationally and internationally – covering over 50 countries – it serves the entire food chain. ● DLG expands its international net work with an office in the Netherlands The German Agricultural Organisation DLG expands its international network with an office in the Netherlands. For this purpose, DLG has entered into collaboration with Dutch Arable Promotion Projects (APP), organiser of PotatoEurope and other shows and congresses in the domain of agriculture, biobased business, and renewable raw materials/energy sources and algae technology. The Dutch office will continue trading as DLG BENELUX. The new DLG office will support the organisation’s objecThe DLG BENELUX team have great confidence in the future, from l to r: Paulien Hoftijzer, Mariëlle Brons, Anne Mast en Tessa de Boer. tives: the international promotion of technological and scientific knowledge. With the various projects and activities, DLG will set standards and facilitate progress. Along with managing a test centre in the domain of agricultural machinery and food, DLG organises various agricultural shows including Agritechnica, EuroTier with Bioenergy Decentral, and PotatoEurope. DLG BENELUX will support the parent company in the provision of services for these shows in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg in order to respond more effectively to customer needs. ● Potato World 2010 • number 2 9 Pagina 8
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