CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY New Potato Cyst Nematode policy forces growers to look ahead The new European policy on Potato Cyst Nematode takes effect as from 1 July 2010. As this date approached, a great deal was said and written about what toughening of the regulations will mean for the seed potato sector. The risks and costs will increase without doubt. How do growers prepare themselves for this? J an Hoogland is a seed potato grower in the village of Sint Annaparochie in the Dutch province of Friesland. Behind the Wadden Sea dike, he farms on soil that varies from sand to sandy loam. For some time now, Hoogland has been confronted with occasional infections of Potato Cyst Nematode. Usually, these are mild infections, which are subsequently reported as ended. As from this summer this reporting has been stopped. From that time, from Thursday 1 July to be precise, the new Potato Cyst Nematode policy became into effect. With the introduction of the new regulation, the possibility that nematodes are found has increased and infections will be subject to heavier sanctions. Hoogland has therefore done his very best to protect himself against any possible risks. ‘Step one is to have samples tested. As long as you do not know where the nidus is, and what type of nematode, you can’t control them. On the basis of the outcome of intensive sampling, I try to address the nematodes directly, preferably by using resistant potato varieties.’ ‘On the basis of the outcome of intensive sampling, I try to address the nematodes directly, preferably by using resistant potato varieties’, according to Jan Hoogland. Mixed populations: difficult story ‘It is more difficult than it used to be. If you found a Globodera rostochiensis infection, you just planted Bildstar or another resistant variety’, says Hoogland. ‘Nematodes were then really no problem at all. Later, we had to deal with Pallida too. But we had a solution for that problem as well: Innovator or another resistant variety. Unfortunately, we now sometimes encounter a mixed population. That is a more difficult Potato World 2010 • number 3 11 Pagina 10
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