R Our vision : the future ! AVR Potato Equipment Soil preparation, haulm toppers and harvesters your future varieties Annual presentation of varieties www.avr.be 4 + 5 November 2010 at our warehouse: Transportweg 7A, Emmeloord. AVR Rafale haulmtopper for a perfect haulm topping job ! AVR Spirit 8200 : 2 row bunker harvester: quality and capacity ! AVR is also specialist in soil preparation ! (Multivator, GE Force, Compact III, Combi) AVR bvba, Meensesteenweg 545, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium Phone: +32 51 24 55 66 ; Fax: +32 51 22 95 61 ; E-mail: info@avr.be Stet Holland  Emmeloord  Phone +31 527 630063  info@stet.nl a n d ) i n I s r M i c h i e l F r a n z e n ( S t e t H o ll a ë l Pagina 21

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