Potato World dish Potato Risotto the outside of the grain creates a sticky dish. It is a good thing that the potato contains starch as well. Cut into small cubes, the dish becomes just as sticky, fresher and healthier as well! R isotto needs a special type of rice grain. The starch on AGENDA 17-21 Oktober 2010 SIAL Paris, France www.sial.fr 28-30 November 2010 Interpom-Primeurs Kortrijk, Belgium www.interpom-primeurs.be 3-5 November 2010 Variety presentations Various breeding houses, The Netherlands 7-10 December 2010 Agrovak Den Bosch, The Netherlands www.agrovak.nl Side dish, serves 4. Preparation time approximately 40 minutes. • 750 grams of firm potatoes • 2 tablespoons of olive oil • 2 cloves of garlic • 2½ dl of stock • 4 tablespoons of white wine • dash of cream (about ¾ dl) • 3 spring onions in very thin rings • 2 tablespoons of finely chopped chives • salt, coarsely-ground pepper • 100 grams of grated Parmesan cheese • 65 grams of toasted pine nuts Peel the potatoes and cut into very small cubes (½ x ½ cm). Heat the oil in a large frying pan; press the garlic into the oil. Fry the garlic gently on a very low heat for approximately 1 minute. Add the potato cubes and stir well. Add half the stock. Heat all the ingredients on a high heat, while stirring. Add the remainder of the stock and the white wine. Bring to the boil on a high heat and keep stirring. Leave to simmer on a low heat for approximately 15 to 20 minutes until the potatoes are done and all the stock has been absorbed (add a little more liquid during cooking, if necessary). Add the cream, bring to the boil and cook until it thickens slightly. Spoon the spring onion and chives through the risotto and season with salt and pepper. Serve with Parmesan cheese and toasted pine nuts. Tip: Serve with vine tomatoes roasted in the oven and a piece of grilled salmon. Ingrid van den Arend 19-20 January 2011 Bio Vak Zwolle, The Netherlands www.biovak.nl 21- 30 Januari 2011 Grüne Woch Berlin, Germany www.gruenewoche.com 9-11 February 2011 Fruitlogistica Berlin, Germany www.fruitlogistica.com 16-19 February 2011 Biofach 2011 Nuremberg, Germany www.biofach.de 20-24 Februari 2011 SIMA Paris, France www.simaonline.com 7-8 September 2011 PotatoEurope 2011 Kain, Belgium www.potatoeurope.com Translations Ineke Touber Printer Koninklijke De Swart The Hague NL © Aardappelwereld BV No part of these articles and/or illustrations may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher. Publisher and authors state that this magazine has been compiled in good faith and with the greatest care. Consequently, they accept no liability whatsoever for any damage that is the result of acts and/or decisions that are based on the information provided. Potato World magazine Publisher Aardappelwereld BV Address van Stolkweg 31 P.O. Box 84102 2508 AC DEN HAAG Netherlands tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Website: www.PotatoWorld.nl Editorial Ing. Jaap Delleman (Editorial Director) Ing. Leo F. Hanse (Editor) tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Advertising and Subscriptions Herman L. Vorst Tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 Fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Subscription rates for 2010 € 75,-P o t a t o w o r l d 26 Potato World 2010 • number 3 Pagina 25
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