Browsing for innovations at PotatoEurope cultivation and technology Grimme receiving hopper swallows 20 tons of potatoes in one go And more from the big, bigger, biggest series in Bockerode was Grimme’s Tandem Receiving Hoope TH 624. This receiving attachment that fits at the front of the hopper can swallow the entire contents of a large unloader. This is another invention that has blown over from the States, where subsidiary Spudnik has been manufacturing the bunkers for some time now. It contains 30 cubic metres, which, in terms of potatoes, is around 20 tons. According to sales manager Franz-Bernd Kruthaup, this is a wish come true for an increasing number of crop farmers in Europe. By rapid unloading, the transport from yard to potato field can be cut short and that is exactly where a man with a tractor and loader can save time, according to Kruthaup. The first hoppers were sold last spring, and are self-prOpelled. The hopper can move up and down and fills the hopper at the rear with the shortest possible drop height. A sensor on top of the hopper regulates the height adjustments. For those who are ready for rapid loading, the TH 624 is available at Grimme’s for € 35,000 exclusive of VAT. Structural overhauled Another newcomer among the planters is Miedema’s Structural 4000. According to product manager Christiaan Poot, this is a completely newly-developed machine. For example, the filling of the belt bed system has been greatly improved by the bigger inspection holes. By using the latest production methods, a considerable reduction in parts has been achieved compared to the last model, Poot told us. In addition, the optical error detection on the belts is now placed crosswise in stead of lengthwise, which reduces the likelihood of malfunction due to dust. The ridger, also a completely new type, is now mounted under the planting machine instead of at the back. This also makes the Structural 4000 more compact. Also new is the simple adjustment of the ridge width or the ridge plateau, which was achieved by providing the plates with slots with which you can quickly adjust them to 18 or 23 centimetres. The speed is no longer measured via a running wheel but with radar. Structurally, this is relatively simple and just as accurate, according to Miedema. If you want to spread fertiliser as well during planting, we now also have a newly-developed fertiliser spreader. This Ferti Flow has an independent drive and is neatly integrated into the frame. With the aid of 2 gears, the spreader – the 4-row model of which has two separate bunkers – can seamlessly spread 150 to 1,800 kilograms of fertiliser in the row, close to the potatoes. Furthermore, the spreader is equipped with large disks, which is especially desirable for growers who apply bed cultivation. The prototype on display is not quite ready. During Interpom in Kortrijk, the machine will be showed with new rear axles. These are suitable for four wheels and therefore have more improved wheel lock. 16 Potato World 2010 • number 4 Pagina 15

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