P o t a t o w o r Journal for the Potato sector • number 4 • 2010 CIP organises the Hero for Life campaign “The story of the potato is the story of the beginning of mankind” > page 4 Browsing for innovations at PotatoEurope > page 13 9 PW-Actua 21 Secrets revealed about Early blight and Pseudo-early blight 24 Partners in Novifarm go for sustainable growth 29 The World of Potato Research 30 PotatoWorld dish 30 PW Agenda CONTENT: Reading about it afterwards ‘If you do the writing, then we can do the reading afterwards, at home, and learn about the things we didn’t see.’ This is what Dutch seed potato growers Piet and Ab Louws asked us to do during PotatoEurope 2010 in the German village of Bockerode. The Louws brothers, two of the thirty seed potato growers who managed to keep bacterial diseases from their farms, were the winners of the competition that Potato magazine had organised together with PotatoEurope organisers DLG and K+S. So, what exactly did we see during PotatoEurope? Pamela Anderson, for example, director of the CIP in Peru. She told us that she had recently set up the ‘Roots for Life’ foundation, through which she hopes to preserve the current wide range of genetic material in the CIP gene bank for the future. At US $ 5,000, anybody caring about potato varieties can adopt a variety and thus become a ‘Hero’ of the Foundation. Given the importance of the development of potato varieties for the international potato sector, a truly noble aspiration. I am really curious to find out how many Heroes will, in fact, adopt a variety from the gene bank. All the other interesting novelties we saw at PotatoEurope have been described in detail in this issue of Potato World magazine. If you would like to see a particular subject discussed in more detail in Potato World magazine, please send an e-mail to info@potatoworld.nl ● Jaap Delleman Potato World 2010 • number 4 3 Pagina 2

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