CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY Digitalisation of the Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Seed and Seed Potatoes (NAK) requires choices from the sector Organisational digitalisation is steadily rising in the world. The Dutch inspection sector, too, cannot avoid it. The NAK Inspection Service is doing rather well, according to an interview with Eric Casteleijn, Jan Eggo Hommes and Ad Toussaint. They show that, with digitalisation, virtually anything is possible technically, but not all growers have taken the first step. The trick is to make the right decisions about what is going to be effective and economically feasible as well. ager Eric Casteleijn says straightaway when we broach the subject. ‘Without digitalisation, we would have missed much more potato seed export in this very late growing season than the current 30,000 tons. That’s a bold statement. The question is what is it based on? As a rule, Jan Eggo Hommes is responsible for the planning of the field staff. This year, he also controls the coordination of the brown rot and post-checking samples. He is the one who knows the answer to the question. ‘This is possible because we work with the digital NAK service point. This is how we trade information with the grower and the trade and can communicate quickly and comprehensibly, but it is also an important basis for providing information for D igitalisation is a spearpoint of the NAK, as general manour internal processes. With this service point, both growers and traders can make their wishes and actions known, for example, the already well-known lifting notification but also the sample size and research methods. Our NAK organisation ensures that the information becomes immediately available and is transparent. Another example is the outcome of the PCR test, but also the progress of all other research operations. Once a result is known, it will be available to both grower and trader.’ Piece of cake This totally transparent digital service point shows results in two clicks. Sitting behind his computer, Hommes shows us Ad Toussaint, Jan Eggo Hommes and Eric Casteleijn say that with digitalisation virtually anything is possible technically, but not all growers have taken the first step. Potato World 2011 • number 1 13 Pagina 12
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