Danish starch industry invests in cutting chain costs CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY AKV is pleased with its Dutch joint-venture partners, from left to right: Hendrik Pedersen, Niels Eriksen, Wim Zwart, Hein Kortebos and Thorvald Lynggaard. Potato starch production in the EU Country Germany The Netherlands France Denmark Poland Sweden Finland Austria Czech Republic New members Spain Total Quota (ton) 656,298 507,403 265,354 168,215 144,985 62,066 53,178 47,691 33,660 2,161 1,943 1,942,954 World market for starch Type of starch Production Maize Cereals Tapioca Potato mid-May. Harvesting starts at the beginning of September, and that is also when the factory starts its activities. The cost price per hectare is therefore also higher than in countries where stone removal from the topsoil is not necessary. For Danish starch potato growers, the price is between 1,600 and 2,400 euros per hectare. For an average yield of 45 tons, the cost price per kilogram is 4.5 eurocents. If you add the current support allowance, then the Danish growers get about 6.6. eurocents per kilogram of starch potatoes. Market (million tons) share (%) 50.4 5.0 3.8 3.1 Miscellaneous 0.4 80 8 6 5 1 that planting is delayed because one can only start removing stones when the land can be worked. It means that valuable growing days are lost. Another consideration is that this delay hinders other activities such as the sowing of summer cereals such as barley. Planting in Denmark starts in mid-April and ends in From bulk to special produce The annual AKV production of 35,791 tons of starch is sold by Cargill, a company that operates world-wide. AKV has entered into a joint venture with this company. Eriksen tells us that starch has several outlets. AKV is focusing on the paper industry and has a wide range of products available for that purpose. By collaborating with Cargill, AKV has developed from a supplier to the bulk market to a player that supplies special products and develops them for the world market together with Cargill. The company intends to continue devoting its energy to doing this, also after 2013.’ ● Jaap Delleman SEED POTATO TRADE FORMS ANOTHER PILLAR In addition to being a producer of starch, AKV Langholt also acts as an agent for the Dutch cooperative Agrico. For this, the company supplies the Danish market with exclusive Agrico varieties. The range includes both starch and table potatoes. The Dutch cooperative’s Kuras variety is currently the largest starch variety in Denmark, according to Pedersen. This gives the company an additional income, which in turn benefits the growers. If a company other than Agrico has a better starch variety, AKV is allowed to buy that variety for its growers for their own usage, but the agreement with Agrico is that they are not to market them, Hendrik Pedersen emphasised. Marketing is an exclusive activity of the cooperative in Emmeloord. For the cultivation of starch potatoes, AKV would rather look for more resistance such as Phytophthora in its varieties than for higher starch content. ‘If you work out the total picture, higher starch is less important, Pedersen says. The starch content of the most important Kuras variety is, on average, between 19.5 and 20 percent. In addition, the AKV farmers grow varieties such as Kardol, Producent and Steyer. Nematode resistance is not a matter for concern at AKV. Nematodes don’t exist in Denmark, according to Pedersen. van de aardappelteler. Zeker als je bedenkt dat Potato World 2011 • number 1 21 Pagina 20

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