PW-ACTUA Farm Frites variety viewing proves successful Early in January, for the fifth consecutive time, the annual Farm Frites variety viewing was held at the crop farm of the Vrij family in Oudenhoorn. Right from the start, the potato processor from Oudenhoorn has been inviting breeding stations for the event. They are invited to carry out an anonymous visual assessment of all the prospective seedlings on show. Among them are also contenders from the Farm Frites nurseries, which are being trialled in their own fields. The idea of a variety viewing, which first took place in 2006, has proved to be a success. The number of participants increases every year, which pleases both the Farm Frites staff and the breeders. Martin Vrij has been involved with the organisation of the viewing right from the start. He explains that five years ago the idea was put forward of organising a meeting between breeders and Farm Frites in order to exchange information. ‘There was already the tradition of the annual breeders’ variety shows in November, but then it is we who visit the breeding stations. This is at a time, however, when we don’t have our trial results ready yet. This means that we can’t take decisions at that moment. It is because of this we thought it would be a good thing to organise a reverse type of meeting. We invite breeders to come and see us as soon as we have our results on paper. Vrij explains that, at the same time, the idea was also put forward to have breeders Martin Vrij has been involved with the organisation of the viewing right from the start. He explains that five years ago the idea was put forward of organising a meeting between breeders and Farm Frites in order to exchange information. anonymously assess all our trialled, numbered varieties. These also include our own seedlings. ‘Although this is only a visual assessment, it is often the start of an animated discussion. This is definitely the case when a breeder judges his own unrecognised variety number differently from our test results. More chance of finding new variety Looking back on five years of variety viewings, Vrij concludes that the popularity of participation has increased. In his view this is also because Farm Frites has succeeded in giving the meetings an increasing international character over the years. ‘To give you an example, for this year’s show colleagues from divisions in Poland and Egypt have been invited. They may be looking for different variety characteristics than those needed for cultivation in Western Europe. They like to exchange ideas about that with the breeders, who in turn are interested in talking to them. Alltogether, this gives more likelihood of finding a variety that is better than the varieties Farm Frites is already growing. Although Farm Frites trials many seedlings every year, the range of varieties which the processor transports to the factory does not change very much. Looking back on the past five years, for the Western European growing area no more than two varieties have virtually disappeared and two new varieties have been introduced, Vrij tells us. ‘The new varieties are the Markies and the Miranda, while the old are the Bintje and Asterix. The total range comprises around ten varieties. Varieties that are very important to Farm Frites are the Première (early), the Innovator, Felsina, Fontane, Ramos and the Agria. These are the most popular varieties for Western Europe. However, a variety like the Asterix is still plentiful in Poland, simply because it does very well in the more northern climate. The Bintje is also still grown a lot there. If we look at Egypt, besides the Innovator, we see varieties such as the Santana, and American varieties such as the Russet Burbank and Shepody, which have a large share in the growing and processing there. Because we have started to include our foreign activities as well, it has become quite interesting for the breeders to show up for our variety viewing. If you add up all those areas: Western Europe, Poland, Egypt and South America, we replace about eight varieties instead of two every five years. That, of course, considerably increases the chances of participation.’ ● For more information call: +31- (0)70-3589331 or e-mail to 8 Potato World 2011 • number 1 Book your advertisement in the official exhibition catalog of 2011 Pagina 7

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