TRADE AND MARKETING German packaging company Elligsen hot on ‘pünktlichkeit’ Down to Earth! That certainly is an accurate portrayal of trading company Albert Elligsen from the German village of Peine. The English description pretty much corresponds with words such as pünktlich (punctual), sauber (clean) and unkompliziert (uncomplicated). In everyday English, Elligsen is one of the many solid and widely-oriented agricultural suppliers that can be found throughout Europe. For example, Elligsen packages table potatoes and onions, sells oil, fuel, plant protection products and fertiliser, and has its own petrol stations. ly company is officially called – is the purchase and packaging of potatoes. Albert Elligsen is the name of the grandfather of the current owner, Dirk Elligsen, explains the grandson during the welcoming reception. Purchasing and packaging table potatoes is an activity that was seriously taken up in 1971 by Dirk’s father Gerhard. That was also the year that he built a storehouse with a complete potato grading line. Not such a strange move, because the company is based right in the centre of an area where potatoes have been widely grown for many years. Early potatoes is what they mainly grow here. Peine is a village that lies just past the town of Hanover, when travelling from Holland. On average, the first potato harvest is lifted here two to three weeks later than in the well-known German first-early area, the Pfalz. O Own pooling system ‘At the beginning of June, we start packaging and trading potatoes from the field and we end around mid October’, says Dirk Elligsen enthusiastically. ‘In order to be the first, part of the growers in this region grow pre-sprouted potatoes under plastic, which enables us to market fresh table potatoes before mid June. Another part of the harvested potatoes are stored in ne very important activity of Albert Elligsen – as the famiour own storage.’ The trading company currently has space for 9,000 tons of potatoes. This year, Elligsen wants to build another big storehouse next to the grading room. At this moment, in ‘It is absolutely essential that we continue to improve the quality and the presentation,’ Dirk Elligsen comments. Potato World 2011 • number 2 25 Pagina 24

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