P o t a t o w o r Journal for the Potato sector • number 1 • 2011 ‘Go on the offensive’ > page 4 7 PW-Actua 19 Speedy plant monitoring with new camera technology 25 German packaging company Elligsen hot on pünktlichkeit 22 The World of Potato Research 30 PotatoWorld dish 30 PW Agenda l d CONTENT: Amazing ideas at busy Fruit Logistica > page 23 The perfect food for runners Runner’s World, the runner’s favourite magazine, recently published a positive article about the consumption of potatoes. The magazine even promoted the potato as the perfect food for runners. This praise lavished on the potato comes from the American Chris Voigt. This leading man of the Washington State Potato Commission ate nothing but potatoes for a period of sixty days. This has done him such a world of good, that he lost 16 kilos of his excess weight and now scores blood levels like those of a young god. In addition to this personal triumph, his website mentions that his remarkable potato consumption has attracted attention from all over the world. The articles describing his action often also publish the well-known nutrition facts of the potato. Consumers can now see for themselves why Voigt was so successful with his campaign against overweight. Potato merchants that sell table potatoes and processed potato products are also focusing on health more often. You can see this as well at the leading international Fruit Logistica show. At this event, we saw a wide range of new, healthy product ideas, with which the consumer can continue to vary the healthy table potato in the future. If you then also choose to go on the ‘attack’, as Professor Ruud Huirne, director of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), did in his interview this month, you cannot fail to create opportunities with the potato. Huirne is of the opinion that growers must think very carefully about their own personal way of farming. He is saying this because he has noticed that farmers are inclined to continue to follow the old routines over and over again. Trying to figure out where your opportunities lie always increases your chances of creating an interesting economic vision for your company. Jaap Delleman Potato World 2011 • number 2 3 Pagina 2
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