Calcium deficiency has a major impact on yield CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY PLANT IMPACT lack of auxin. This is when InCa comes into play. Inca contains 5 percent calcium, 1 percent zinc and an auxin receptor. So it’s clear that the auxin component is important so calcium is absorbed in the older leaves, too. The dieback of cells decreases and the plant continues to grow more evenly. This then provides less stress and a healthier crop,’ says Garnett. Global research Whether InCa does, indeed, have the desired effect in real life situations is a matter that Plant Impact has been studying worldwide since 2009. For this purpose, the company has carried out a large number of tests in different crops, including the potato. In the Netherlands and in Belgium, the company works closely together with Crop Solutions. The results of studies at ALTIC, PPO Westmaas, and from some practical tests showed that administering InCa 3 times around tuber initiation was the most effective. The first time was at the start of tuber initiation and the next two at two-week intervals. This requires an investment by the grower of 23 euros per spray. InCa can be applied with a standard crop sprayer and can be combined with other chemicals without any problem. Higher marketable yield Hendrickx showed us a few test results. He concludes that InCa increases the marketable yield of a potato crop. ‘In almost all cases, InCa increases the total yield by 4 to 12 percent. This is the result of an increase in the amount of marketable tubers. This applies to the crops of chip, table and seed potatoes.’ Furthermore, Hendrickx showed that InCa improves the quality of the harvested tubers. ‘Storage is also much improved, although that needs further The UK-based company Plant Impact was launched in 2003 to examine more sustainability in agriculture. One of the company’s objectives is to ensure, with the help of innovative green science, that plant growth is healthier, thereby creating less waste in the chain. In addition, the company wants to reduce the environmental impact of cultivation by introducing stress-reducing plant technology. Consequently, the company wants to contribute to the promotion of sustainable agriculture to the benefit of the environment, the grower and ultimately the consumer. This has proved a successful approach, involving a total of 9 patents being filed and the company being listed on the London AIM stock exchange in 2006. One of the products of the globally-operating company is InCa. This is an organic plant enhancer with 5 percent calcium, 1 percent zinc and the plant hormone auxin. testing.’ Some tests carried out in France and Germany show a similar picture as in the Netherlands and Belgium. New rule of thumb ‘In the first instance, a potato plant produces 12 to 20 tubers, on average. This very much depends on the variety’, is Hendrickx’s rule of thumb. ‘InCa seems to reduce tuber moult. In the case of a plant with initially 18 tubers, for example, you have 14 tubers in a marketable size after using InCa, but only 10 tubers per plant if you harvest without treatment. The effects are considerable, especially in varieties such as Agria and Innovator. In combination with a more active crop growing process, this is the basis for the success of this plant enhancer’. And with this, Hendrickx has introduced a new rule of thumb. ● Jaap Delleman Influence of InCa on yield of chip potatoes Un threated Inca On average, in 14 tests with different potato varieties during 2009 and 2010, the InCa plant enhancer yielded 8.1 percent more marketable crop. Potato World 2011 • number 3 23 Pagina 22
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