PW-ACTUA Potential remedy for Black leg and Bacterial soft rot discovered (STW) project. Funding from this project will run another 1.5 years and Czajkowski will use the money to carry out field tests, develop better decontamination methods for potato tubers and discover how to increase the resistance of the potato plant against Dickeya bacteria. Robert Czajkowski recently discovered how the causer of Black leg and Bacterial soft rot, the Dickeya bacterium (Erwinia) spreads through the potato plant. Robert Czajkowski recently discovered how the causer of Black leg and Bacterial soft rot, the Dickeya bacterium (Erwinia) spreads through the potato plant. He also discovered an antagonistic bacterium with which the Dickeya bacteria can be controlled. Czajkowski is employed by the NIOO and works at Plant Research International (PRI), which is part of Wageningen UR. In his doctoral research, he showed that the Dickeya bacterium travels from the soil into the roots of the plant within one day. Subsequently, the bacterium spreads via the vascular system of the plant to the stems, stolons and daughter tubers. When parts of the plants that grow above ground are infected, the bacterium can travel via the vascular system to the sub-soil parts and subsequently infect the daughter tubers. The bacterium is often found in the vascular tissue of the tubers, where the stolons meet the tuber. So far, researchers have been using this knowledge when sampling tubers for seed potato testing. From now on, that knowledge can also be used for controlling the bacterium. Antagonistic bacterium Czajkowski has discovered that there is a bacterium, the Serratia plymuthica, which can effectively control the Dickeya bacteria. During greenhouse experiments, the Dickeya bacterium in the plant had disappeared or as good as disappeared when this antagonist had been applied to the infected tubers. Just like the Dickeya, the antagonist enters the roots and fights the pathogen by, among other things, producing an antibiotic. Plant Research International has meanwhile patented the antagonist and is studying the possibilities of marketing this product. The study was first funded by Plant Research International and later by a Foundation for Technology Tens of millions of losses The bacterial diseases Black leg and Bacterial soft rot are causing enormous problems during the cultivation of seed potatoes and flower bulbs. They cause enormous financial losses all over the world. In the Netherlands alone, the annual losses amount to tens of millions of euros. Combating is not possible and there are no resistant potato varieties available. The bacterial diseases Black leg and Bacterial soft rot are controlled by inspecting the seed potatoes and flower bulbs and by taking hygiene and cultivation measures that combat the development and dispersal of these pathogens. More knowledge of the ecology of the pathogenic bacteria can contribute to a better control of these diseases. ● PotatoBusinessSchool has started The PotatoBusinessSchool (PBSE) was opened in Emmeloord on 7 September. Chairman Harry Goos gave the official go-ahead during the Potato Festival. To do that, he handed a syllabus with training material to initiator Andries Greiner. Andries Greiner used to be a member of the Provincial Executive of the province of Flevoland and he spearheaded the initiative to establish a PotatoBusinessSchool some time ago. For that purpose, he convened all potato companies in Emmeloord to think about how their combined knowledge of potatoes could be transferred to other parts of the world. A programme with international character could emphasise the unique position of Emmeloord as the Potato Centre of the world. The idea was accepted and has subsequently led to the establishment of the PotatoBusinessSchool. Meanwhile, fifteen participants from twelve different countries have already registered. The course, which will last a week, will start on 26 September. The PBSE intends to organise an English-language potato course that will be held at least twice a year. The curriculum has been developed by the potato industry itself and the talks will be given at various business locations. Subjects that will be discussed are cultivation methods, choice of varieties, crop protection, storage, mechanisation and farm management. ● Potato World 2011 • number 4 19 Pagina 18
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