P o t a t o w o r Journal for the Potato sector • number 4 • 2011 Growers in the Middle East are looking ahead > page 4 15 PW-Actua 20 More growth volume with convex ridgers 23 Starch potato cultivation: make it a contest 33 The World of Potato Research 34 PotatoWorld dish 34 PW Agenda l d CONTENT: Organic sector struggles with cultivation and marketing > page 29 Looking ahead At Mount Nebo in Jordan, thousands of years ago, Moses was allowed to look ahead to The Promised Land. Today, monks from the Franciscan order are caring for this special place. From this spot, I, too, was allowed to look out over this area, but I was focused on the cultivation and marketing of potatoes in the Middle East. It remains a miracle that food crops can grow so abundantly in such inhospitable regions. Just like Moses then, the farmers in this area look to the future. They do this with mixed feelings. On the one hand, they see great opportunities for growing and marketing potatoes in their region. On the other, the unrest in the region causes them to be very concerned. The Arab Spring began last year, just after the export season. This year, it will be exciting to see how seed potato exports will develop. Players in the potato chain will soon also be looking ahead at important international potato events such as PotatoEurope, British Potato and Potato-Expo. What developments will ultimately determine the market? Do I have enough budget to invest in a crop in the coming year? The coming period will provide an initial response to these questions. ● Jaap Delleman Potato World 2011 • number 4 3 Pagina 2
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