TRADE AND MARKETING Growers in the Middle East are looking ahead To maximise the Bellini variety, growers must apply extra N fertiliser during the growing season, Henk Holtslag explains (second right). year, which increases the cost of irrigation. The total cost of production now stands at 4,950 euros per hectare. Of this, 20 to 25 percent are seed potato costs (Spunta seed costs approx. 1,000 euros per ton) and 30 percent are irrigation costs. Consumption potatoes yield about 40 tons per hectare. The average price for potatoes is 20 euros per 1,000 kilograms, rendering the growers an average net price of more than 1,000 euros per hectare. One major cost item is not included: land is very expensive. Like in the Netherlands, there are many people living in one small area. As a result of the political unrest and unstable currencies, many people invest in land. This tends to push prices up. This is fuelled by the possibility to build wherever you want. In the Bekaa valley, one hectare of land with water easily costs over 21,000 euros. However, if the land is close to a main road or near a town, the price can easily rise to 141,000 euros per hectare. This year, the price for potatoes was slightly above the norm. On average, table potatoes yielded 21 euros per 100 kilograms. Extra nitrogen needed The Spunta is still the most important variety for Lebanese and Jordanian farmers. Like Bintje and Agria in Holland, Lebanese growers are used to work with the Spunta. However, because of the arrival of new markets such as export and chips, new varieties are also necessary. Strong varieties are needed for this region to grow. If they can incorporate a nice tuber shape, there will be a greater chance of standing out against the competition. Stet Holland has had a few years of experience in the Lebanon with the Bellini variety. According to export manager Henk Holtslag, this variety produces many fine, uniform tubers. ‘Bellini can naturally produce a very high net yield. To maximise the variety, growers must provide extra N fertiliser during the growing season. The high yield and size is generated in the last growing weeks, which means that the grower must keep his crop healthy and vigorous to the very end. Bellini can outperform Spunta on that score. It requires additional supervision and demonstration to make such a variety successful’, explains Holtslag. Small crop rotation The country has two potato yields every year. From December to February, potatoes are planted in the northern part of the country, this region is called Akkar. The largest cultivation area is the Bekaa valley, where potatoes are planted from late January to early July. In the Bekaa valley, the growers use both imported seed and local seed from the Akkar. In practice this means that, apart from the months of December and January, there are always fresh potatoes available. This is partly supplemented by mechanically-cooled potatoes and imports from other nearby countries, of which Egypt is the most important. The potato crop is rather intensive and crop rotation is narrow, as a result of which various soil-related diseases occur such as nematodes, Rhizoctonia, and so on. Dressing partly takes place during planting in the form of fertiliser. During the growing period, the plants are given foliar fertilisers via weekly irrigation sessions. Potato World 2011 • number 4 7 Pagina 6

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