TRADE AND MARKETING Export plus knowledge is trade programme started on Monday morning and ended on Friday morning. That proved to be too long. At the end of the week, the students lose concentration when confronted with a mountain of information. The following courses will be limited to a maximum of four days. We will only start on Monday afternoon – and spend the morning getting to know one another – ending on Thursday afternoon. We’re also thinking about splitting the course into a ‘hot’ and a ‘cold ‘ section. What I mean is that there’ll be two separate programmes: one that focuses on students from countries with a hot climate and one for students from countries with a cold and/or moderate climate. The differences in variety development, storage and mechanisation are too great.’ During the Pieper Festival in Emmeloord on 7 September, Goos kicked off for the PBSE by handing Andries Greiner a syllabus with the first course material. Goos, ‘export plus knowledge is trade.’ When the new Tolsma office building was officially opened in 2010 by Andries Greiner, a former member of the Provincial Executive, Goos saw his opportunity. After the ceremony, he talked to Greiner about his school plan and asked him to think about support for it. Well, Greiner only needed one night. ‘He phoned me back the very next day. We sat round the table and, after some discussion, the deal for a start-up subsidy was finalised. Ineke Mastenbroek, who used to lead Agrico, was appointed to steer the start-up in the right direction.’ Goos, who is chairman, is a coach on the sidelines. A job he also likes to do in his free time as training coordinator of the ASV football club in Dronten. Students from eight countries To stay with football terms, during the Pieper Festival in Emmeloord on 7 September, Goos kicked off for the PBSE by handing Greiner a syllabus with the first course material. This material was given to all the participants of the very first standard course on 26 September. A fully English-language, five-day course, provided by the eight participating companies. Goos: ‘The course is intended for everyone in the world who wants to obtain the knowledge available by the Dutch companies about the potato. For the very first course, the affiliated companies had each recruited two students, usually from their own clientele, who came from eight different countries, Goos enthusiastically tells us. Teaching takes place at the companies themselves. All eight of them have excellent facilities to carry out their part of the course. The teachers are experts who are affiliated to the participating companies.’ For example, Goos teaches the lessons on storage, assisted by his colleague Jan van Maldegem There is an exam at the end of the course. and participants who pass their exam receive a certificate. Hot and cold According to Goos, the aim is to organise the course twice a year. ‘’Next year, the course will be held in June and September. The evaluation after the first course week showed that the curriculum needs a few changes. The first time, the PBSE meets a need Goos is proud that, after years of thinking and planning, the course is now a reality and is supported both by enthusiastic Emmeloord potato companies and the local authorities. Complete with its own website, which has all the information about the Potato Business School Emmeloord. He is convinced that the course meets a need. ‘I’m sure that the PBSE will become an important factor in the potato world. He also sees a special role for the older potato experts who are keen to pass on their knowledge to the younger generation. ● Leo Hanse Potato World 2012 • number 1 11 Pagina 10

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