TRADE AND MARKETING 18 promising French fries varieties for the entire world The Primavera is a Première plus “Primavera”, says Jarke Kruize of Semagri in Lelystad in his immediate answer to our question. The Primavera is an early variety that can be harvested a few weeks after the Première. The variety has many tubers over 50 mm, which develop very early lengthways. In addition, the variety has a very good drought resistance, Kruize tells us. “When you put this variety next to a Première crop and see the differences, that says it all. The variety tells its own story. It grows big, long tubers, for example, from which many long French fries can be cut, which have a great frying quality. The tubers have a truly fine internal structure. The variety is also very suitable for home chipping. The average underwater weight is 380 grams, which guarantees few problems with blue spots. Additionally, the Primavera scores well in the organic sector. This is a combination of earliness and a reasonably good Phytophthora resistance. Also, the variety is slightly starchy and has a great taste. You can also boil the potatoes without them turning grey. Very tasty” is Kruize”s experience. Up-and-coming Ambassador will soon be available throughout Europe You are constantly stumbling over the Ambassador at Agrico in Emmeloord. Sjefke Alefs has no problem answering the question as to which is the best French fries potato. What are this up-ancoming chipper’s best characteristics? “The potatoes are available in Europe year-round”, Alefs answers. The new main harvest starts in August and the potatoes continue to be available until the beginning of July. There is a small, but interesting market between July and August. This niche market has long been filled with the Première. “We now have an attractive and improved replacement: the Ambassador. It”s a variety that we expect to do very well indeed. We”re already planting 50 hectares of seed next year”, Alefs says. What are the three most important characteristics? “First of all, it”s ideal to develop seed from the Ambassador because of its many tubers and their even size. In addition, the Ambassador is also Pallida-resistant or nematode D and E. We call this a variety with medicinal effect, which means that it can keep the soil free of nematodes. This is an interesting factor for the seed potato growers and attractive for the consumption potato growers. Furthermore, the Ambassador really performs well as a main harvest. Compared to the Première, it has an early and a high yield. This is combined with long tubers and a high underwater weight. This is a combination that is quite unusual because round varieties mostly have a higher underwater weight than long ones. We”ve never seen a variety move so fast up the ladder as this Ambassador. That says enough, doesn”t it. The next challenge is to discover its suitability for other markets. If you’re not able to sell the variety as French fries, because there is no demand for it, for example, you can always try another market’, says Alefs. Potato World 2012 • number 2 19 Pagina 18
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