Seed Potatoes & Table Potatoes Specialities: Agrifac is producer of sprayers, sugar beet harvesters and drain cleaners. As specialist in self-prOpelled sprayers, Agrifac is expanding its line to include a Condor with a maximum track width up to 320cm, WideTrackPlus. This “wide” Condor is developed in line with the “4 E’s for growers” concept; Efficient, Economical, Ergonomic and Ecological. By linking all products to these 4 E’s, Agrifac is always one step ahead in development and innovation. Condor WideTrackPlus WideTrackPlus: the ideal solution for (advanced) growers! Option 1 32 cm 75 cm 150 cm 225 cm 75 cm Accent Aphrodite Elgar Focus Red Valentine Bintje Frieslander Red Sun Desiree Nicola Spunta etc. A. de Nijs & Zn. B.V. De huisweid 7, 1749 EL Warmenhuizen P.O. Box 9, 1749 ZG Warmenhuizen The Netherlands T +31(0)226 39 12 70 F +31(0)226 39 34 03 E I 75 cm Option 2 TRAMLINES 48 cm 75 cm 225 cm 75 cm 75 cm WideTrackPlus WIDE TYRES MINOR RUTTING OPTIMAL STABILITY 95 cm 320 cm 75 cm 48 cm 95 cm With WideTrackPlus Agrifac expands its self-prOpelled sprayer program with track widths up to 320 cm. The difference is made by the widened StabiloPlus chassis. Spraying technique, spray booms and operating comfort are identical to all other Condors. A 300 cm track width is ideal for bulbs and onions and with row crop tyres fitted also ideal for potatoes without tramlines. A second possibility is a track width of 320 cm in potatoes with a distance between the rows of 95 cm. This makes it possible to run wide tyres (480 or 520), with minor rutting, optimal stability, the largest possible cultivation surface and optimal sorting sizes of seed potatoes! T +31(0)521 527 210 E ALLWAYS THE BEST QUALITY 245 - 320 cm 225 - 300 cm or Pagina 9
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