Verrassende concepten op druk bezochte Fruitlogistica TRADE AND MARKETING Quite a lot needs to be done with the organic potatoes from storage to meet the McCain requirements. tive way, Van Marion says that they should yield at least 45 tons a hectare. In addition, the company also buys organic Agrias. These potatoes are processed at the certified McCain plant in Leeuwedorp. This means that McCain processes the potatoes after a big cleaning operation. ‘After all, we have to use organic oil and packaging, which means that we can’t do a quick project in between.‘ Van Marion is noticing the chickenand-egg situation in the market. McCain has no problem processing chips, but the demand for organic chips is not yet strong. This year, the stock level was greater than the demand. During the recently held BioVak show, care institutions were indicating an interest in using organically-processed products. Van Marion acknowledges that he is open to other varieties, provided that they meet the requirements. A practical test with processed potatoes – which was presented to the participants – showed that quite a lot needs to be done with the organic potatoes from storage to meet the McCain requirements. Varieties such as Agria and Sarpo Mira came out best. It is significant that blanching had a positive effect on the baking colour. ‘That can be compared with how we look at frying chips in practice. Each batch gets the treatment it needs to get that perfect frying colour’, Van Marion remarks. At any rate, it is quite clear that tasty table potatoes such as Ditta and Toluca are not likely to have a fantastic future as a chip or crisp potato. It is clear that there is plenty of work ahead for the BioImpuls breeding programme in order to find varieties suitable for the processing industry. Taste is relative Taste is a relative notion. That was yet another result of the BioImpuls Symposium. According to Martijn Hartman, who is a chef, taste involves the entirety of a meal. ‘What ingredients are chosen for a dish. A potato for a stew requires a different taste from a potato for an asparagus dish.‘ During the lunch, for which potatoes of the organic Bionica variety were used, Hartman shows that organic potatoes taste well in a range of dishes. During the subsequent taste test of simply boiled potatoes, the opinions of the generally-organic growers were less positive. This is in keeping with the extensive taste test held in 2009, where the Biogold variety achieved the highest marks with a 6.1 (out of 10). From this we can definitely conclude that the Tasty Tom among the potatoes has not yet reached us. ● Jaap Delleman The Tasty Tom among the potatoes has not yet reached us. Potato World 2012 • number 3 27 Pagina 26
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