Higher income by using sustainable precision technology RE SEARCH Balance Current Seedpotatoes Table potatoes Sugarbeets Weath Barley Grass Onion Carrot Additional crops Additional destination Total income Imputed costs Fertilizer Crop protection Seed Additional costs Total Balance After Difference % investment 290.424 302.041 23.411 37.937 37.007 5.449 5.950 17.895 12.016 6.593 39.828 476.511 490.238 24.347 37.937 37.562 5.530 6.039 18.164 12.196 6.593 39.828 13.728 11.617 4,0% 936 4,0% 555 1,5% 82 1,5% 89 1,5% 268 1,5% 180 1,5% The extra seed potato income on 35 hectares may even reach a total of 12,000 euros. That is more than the profit on 1 hectare. Of course, you also need to subtract the cost of depreciation. When including fiscal measures such as MIA, the seed potato grower then achieves an extra operating result of over 8,300 euros. Other advantages After all those figures, Schipper also wants to emphasize that precision equipment also has advantages that cannot be expressed in euros. ‘The work is much more relaxed, much less tiring, I can easily leave it to one of my farmhands, and you can work through the night’, is what the accountant’s clients tell him. ● Leo Hanse 31.991 55.825 45.278 36.383 307.034 30.391 53.034 43.014 36.383 169.477 162.822 327.416 1.600- -5% 2.791- -5% 2.264- -5% 6.65520.383 6,6% For those who go even further by also buying precision equipment for their planting machines, the increase in profit may even be greater. Precision technology has advantages that can’t be expressed in euros. ‘The work is much more relaxed, much less tiring, I can easily leave it to one of my farmhands, and you can work through the night.’ Potato World 2013 • number 1 15 Pagina 14

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