CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY Straight to work with Crop-R ICT company Crop-R run by Ivor Bosloper in Groningen has developed an open data network for the immediate registration and exchange of cultivation and company information among growers and their business relations in the agro chain. At this moment, growers can already use the program free via the Crop-R website. Although the program is still in its development stage, the initiative already deserves praise on account of its simplicity and accessibility. It could also be of great interest for all suppliers, buyers and agricultural advisers in the potato sector. Just type it in on the computer and try it out. Money can’t be a problem for trying out the program, because Crop-R is still free of charge. After filling out the necessary login data, everybody can start using this new online cultivation registration program. Crop-R is based on a recent Google Maps map in which all farm plots can be drawn in a simple way. In the first instance, it looks somewhat like the geoweb server program of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, but it’s totally different once you start using it. Crop-R is much faster, easier to understand, and the set-up can be compared with advanced programs running under Windows and Apple. The program gives you an easy start because you can choose from various references for the plot boundaries. If your plots are already available in existing management programs, you can export these to Crop-R. However, you can also instantly draw them in (click on) with already-known plot boundaries in Geoboer or EBRP 2009. The plot boundaries can be found in the EBRP options as they were imported in 2009 in the registration program of the former Ministry of Agriculture. It used to be/still is hOpeless to divide or add plots in that program and to draw things like borders. This, however, is really easy in Crop-R due to its practical function buttons. Crop-R runs fast, is easier to understand, and the set-up can be compared with advanced programs running under Windows and Apple. Potato World 2013 • number 2 29 Pagina 28
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