P otato wo rl d CONTENT: Journal for the Potato sector • number 2 • 2013 Organically and conventionally-grown potatoes brought together in BioImpuls page 4 > 9 PW-Actua 12 PotatoEurope 2013: The next level 18 Innovative Potato Presentation at Jumbo’s 29 Straight to work with Crop-R 35 Partipants choose PBSE course for more knowledge and personal contact 41 The World of Potato Research 42 PotatoWorld dish 42 PW Agenda Seed potato grower says goodbye to inspection room > page 22 Next Level communication During the annual presentation of new varieties at the various breeding stations and trading companies, we zoomed in on innovation in the potato branch. The conversations and discussions made it quite clear that innovation always goes together with change. With that we don’t mean everyday changes such as the weather, but specific changes that were initiated with a purpose. This could be the introduction of resistance to certain diseases, a new way of anticipating demands from the market, but also the introduction of new breeding techniques such as cisgeneses. Not only breeders hold innovation in high esteem. The PotatoEurope 2013 organisation also wants to offer its public a platform with The Next Level theme to raise the standard of innovation in the international potato sector. What this is going to be, will become clear during the coming months, and will reach its peak at the event in Emmeloord on 11 and 12 September. To acquire knowledge about innovation is not an easy task. You can achieve quite a lot from behind your desk, via trade journals such as PotatoWorld magazine and multimedia applications on your computer. But daring to be open to new developments requires more action from the entrepreneur. An example is seed potato grower Johannes Sytsma of Sint Jacobi Parochie in the province of Friesland. After 25 years of manual inspection work, this season he invested in an electronic grader for uncleaned seed potatoes. To be able to invest in this new technology, Sytsma had to let go of a few prejudices from the past. I’d be interested to hear what The Next Level is for our readership and I’d like to ask you to share your vision of this theme with our editors via Twitter, Facebook, e-mail or the telephone. Jaap Delleman Potato World 2013 • number 2 3 Pagina 2

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