OPINION AND CONTEXT Participants choose PBSE course for more knowledge and personal contact The Potato Business School Emmeloord (PBSE) recently organised another international potato course. Switzerland, Sudan, Cyprus, Canada, Ukraine, America, from all corners of the world participants came to the enterprising village in the polder to increase their knowledge about the cultivation, mechanisation and storage of this important crop. However, the lectures weren’t the only reason for participation. E mmeloord and its environment are the place to go and learn about state-of-the-art farm management as far as potatoes are concerned. This was the reason for Tolsma Grisnich’s Harry Goos to set up an international training centre for the potato business a few years ago. Another eight companies from Emmeloord agreed to Goos’ plan. They are Agrico, TPC, Den Hartigh, Stet Holland, Greve, KWS Potato, Profyto and Tolsma. The Dutch General Inspection Service for Agricultural Seed and Seed Potatoes (NAK) in Emmeloord is also involved in the school. If necessary, the PBSE hires the required knowledge ‘Many important potato companies have their headquarters in Emmeloord, and it is quite easy to get to know them’, the enthusiastic Andreas Rusch from Switzerland tells us. Potato World 2013 • number 2 35 Pagina 34
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