PW-ACTUA Mobile Potato mission The potato mission of Farmer Ko Jansen and his wife Hendrieke is to sing the praises of the Dutch potato. Ko has decided that, in general, people don’t eat enough potatoes. The potato is in trouble, according to Ko, and he wants to change that. How? He goes round with his Mobile Potato to cook tasty potato dishes for the consumer. The Mobile Potato, a mobile restaurant in the shape of a gigantic potato, is true theatre. A farmer on a mission, who promotes delicious and healthy food. Ko is bothered about the fact that many consumers regard the potato as boring. So Ko decided to go out to the consumers and have them taste Hendrieke’s potato dishes. ‘People don’t want potatoes from the field, but from the kitchen’, Ko explains his train of thought. In the Mobile Potato, people can order a nice baked potato, a fried potato or Hendrieke’s famous Patatas Bravas. And indeed, the Spanish potatoes, prepared from the organic Agria variety, taste fantastic. Complete kitchen Ko tells us that his customers really like his potatoes. Because The Mobile Potato, is a true theatre. the Mobile Potato has a wellfitted kitchen where the couple can cook under HACCP standards, mountains of potatoes can be prepared and presented in many different dishes. ‘We can fry, roast, boil, mash and do dishes au gratin’, Ko explains proudly. ● Great mystery in the defence mechanism of plants unravelled RLP receptors located on the outside of plant cells play an important role in plant defence. They can join forces with certain other proteins on the outside of plant cells and thus warn the plants when a fungus attacks, for example. Scientists from Wageningen UR (University & Research centre) have recently discovered this after extensive research. Thanks to the Wageningen research, an answer has finally been found to the question that has haunted several plant scientists around the world for many years. The findings provide new leads for breeding crops that can defend themselves better against pests and diseases. Plants are constantly challenged by attacks from pathogens such as fungi and bacteria. The plants are almost always successful in warding off these pathogens. For this purpose, they use special receptors on the outside of the plant cell, which identify the pathogens. The receptor usually also has a domain that protrudes through the cell membrane into the cell. The receptor uses this to warn the cell, and the plant can take action. This generally results in a programmed cell death. As a result, the fungus can no longer enter the cell and absorb nutrients, for example. Fewer chemicals Much is already known about the defence system of plants, but there are also still many mysteries. RLK receptors are located in the cell membrane of the plant cells and have a domain on both the inside and the outside of the cell. Whenever they receive a signal on the outside, from a fungus, for example, the part on the inside of the cell (the kinase) gives a signal to the cell. In addition, there are also RLP receptors. These are also located on the cell membrane but they do not have a kinase domain on the inside of the cell to pass on the signal. Scientists have now discovered that a number of RLP receptors do indeed work with an RLK receptor. known as SOBIR1. Wageningen scientist will now continue to study what exactly occurs in the plant cells once the SOBIR1 kinase sends out warning signals to the cell. When more is known about the important links in the immune system of plants, it will be easier to breed plants in such a way that they are equipped to defend themselves against diseases. This will ultimately lead to fewer crop protection chemicals. ● Potato World 2013 • number 3 11 Pagina 10

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