P otato wo rl d CONTENT: Journal for the Potato sector • number 3 • 2013 Agrico wants to be the largest in the world > page 4 9 PW-Actua 24 29 Always constant temperatures in new storehouse Qualituber supplies transparently-grown, basic seed to order 33 The World of Potato Research 34 PotatoWorld dish 34 PW Agenda Variety presentation 2012: in search of innovations > page 13 Production increase In 2050, we will need twice as much food to feed all the people on earth than we need today, we are told by scientists such as Professor Anton Haverkort. As the amount of agricultural land won’t increase, the production per hectare will have to expand considerably to be able to feed us all. Because of its secure yield and its many healthy properties, the potato will play an even more important role than the crop already does today. A precondition for higher yields per hectare will be the quality of the seed. And this is something Agrico managing director Jan van Hoogen is also familiar with. In his interview, he tells us that there are still plenty of opportunities for the Dutch potato growers to expand. To provide the international market in the most optimal way possible, he wants to expand his cooperative into the biggest seed potato trader in the world in the years to come. It would be interesting to know whether we’ll still be having discussions in 2050 about the quantity of potatoes available. Or will everything be technically perfect and organised by then? Long-term storage specialists, like Jan Cees van der Maas, whom we interviewed extensively this month in relation to his modern storage facility, are currently already gearing to the year-round availability of locally-grown produce. The market won’t change. That‘s how it is today and it won’t change in a hurry. So we must make sure to grow healthy crops with a maximum yield. And this is why it’s good to hear that breeding stations such as C. Meijer B.V. are making great leaps forward in their quest for varieties that also do well in saline soils without losing other important characteristics. Jaap Delleman Potato World 2013 • number 3 3 Pagina 2
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