Potato World dish Fusion cooking with potatoes If you’re not one of those globetrotters who like to travel to trendy countries, this dish will bring the exotic smells and tastes from faraway destinations into your own kitchen! Be a dare-devil and be tempted to prepare this Korean potato street-food snack. AGENDA 27-28 November 2013 British Potato 2013 Harrogate, Great Brittain 3-8 December 2013 Agribex Brussels, Belgium www.agribex.be 8 – 14 January 2014 Potato Expo 2014 San Antonio, USA www.potato-expo.com Side-dish. 4 persons. Preparation time approx. 20 minutes. • 6-7 medium-sized firm potatoes (approx. 750 grams) • 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil • 1 tablespoon of sesame oil • 2½ tablespoons of salty soy sauce (preferably Japanese, Kikkoman) • 2 tablespoons of ginger syrup • 1 tablespoon of finely-chopped garlic (using a kitchen knife) • 4 spring onions • 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds • salt and pepper Peel the potatoes and cut in 2x2 cm cubes. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Stir-fry the potato cubes for 5 minutes at a moderate heat. Add 1 cup of water, the soya sauce, ginger syrup and garlic. Boil for 3-5 minutes on a moderate heat. If necessary, add salt to taste. When the sauce starts to thicken, lower the heat, uncover, and cook softly for another 5-7 minutes until the potatoes are done. Stir occasionally. Meanwhile, cut the spring onions into very thin rings. Ladle the sesame seeds into the potatoes. Before serving, sprinkle with the spring onion rings. Tip: In Korea, this dish is served with rice. Also very nice with other small, Asian dishes such as small skewers of meat or stir-fried vegetables. Ingrid van den Arend 5-7 February 2014 Fruitlogistica 2014 Berlin, Germany www.fruitlogistica.de 6-11 July 2014 EAPR congress Brussels, Belgium www.eapr2014.be 20 August 2014 PotatoDemoday Westmaas, The Netherlands www.aardappeldemodag.nl 3-4 September 2014 PotatoEurope 2014 Bockerode, Germany www.potatoEurope.com 23-25 November 2014 Interpom / Primeurs Kortrijk, Belgium www.interpom.be Potato World magazine Publisher Aardappelwereld BV Address van Stolkweg 31 P.O. Box 84102 2508 AC DEN HAAG Netherlands tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Website: www.PotatoWorld.nl Editorial Ing. Jaap Delleman (Editorial Director) Ing. Leo F. Hanse (Editor) tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Advertising and Subscriptions Herman L. Vorst Tel. : +31 (0)70-3589331 Fax.: +31 (0)70-3544290 E-mail: info@potatoworld.nl Subscription rates for 2013 € 75,00 © Aardappelwereld BV No part of these articles and/or illustrations may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the publisher. Publisher and authors state that this magazine has been compiled in good faith and with the greatest care. Consequently, they accept no liability whatsoever for any damage that is the result of acts and/or decisions that are based on the information provided. Translations Ineke Touber Printer De Swart bv, The Hague NL P otato wo rl d 38 Potato World 2013 • number 4 Pagina 37
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