www. eapr2014.be EAPR 2014 Brussels 6-11 July Register now! The 19th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research will take place in Brussels, Belgium, 6-11 July 2014 We are delighted to invite you to this important congress which is held for the fi rst time in Belgium. This congress represents a real opportunity for the Belgian potato industry as well as for Belgian research institutions and Belgian representatives of private companies, who will share their scientifi c and technical know-how. The scientifi c topics of the congress focus on all of the classical aspects of the potato sector, especially the latest knowledge about sustainable and innovative techniques. Recent and innovative fundamental research and applied research results will be presented, together with technological transfer and implementation for users. Experts scientists from all over the world are confi rmed to give keynote lectures on several important scientifi c topics for the potato crop (genomics, breeding, agronomy, physiology, nematodes , biological control of pests and diseases, healthy potatoes, emerging pests, global food security, nematodes, precision agriculture, sustainable production and processing, connecting research to practice). A full day will be dedicated to eight different scientifi c, technical and cultural excursions across the Belgian potato crop area. Finally, you will enjoy a very nice social program to fulfi ll your stay in Belgium ! The conference venue is the CROWNE PLAZA Hotel, in the Brussels city center. This well-equipped venue with all Congress facilities includes 200 pre-booked rooms. Other hotels are also available nearby. Located in the heart of Europe, Brussels is easy to reach by fl ight, train or car. Visit the website www.eapr2014.be for full information on the program and updates about the congress. Bienvenue à Bruxelles! Welkom in Brussel! The organizing Committee of « EAPR 2014 in Belgium” Pagina 11
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