TRADE AND MARKETING STT 05 561 The most promising varieties that meet the most important market trends LADY ANNA Peter Ton, Stet Holland, Emmeloord: ‘Growth in climates that are quite different from that here in the Netherlands’ ‘The important trend I see is that successful potato growing is taking place in an increasing number of countries throughout the world. The reason is that the demand for food is increasing, particularly in areas in which it’s extremely difficult to grow that crop. I’m thinking of countries such as Sudan, Mali etcetera. We’re now taking our seed potatoes via the east and west into darkest Africa. I certainly expect us to supply user seed to these places in 20 to 25 years’ time. This raises the question of how we can grow on a large scale and on a project basis? This will mostly consist of technical supervision, whereby experts from the Netherlands will go there to give a GWENNE ‘What we as a trading company want is breeding varieties that are beneficial for everyone in the sector. What I mean is: from seed potato grower to the consumer. When you ask me for a general trend, I can say that we, as a breeding company, are in search of wider, total solutions. few months of support. Varieties that need to grow under those climatic conditions will need extreme characteristics. High heat tolerance, considerable drought and heat resistance and proper storage capabilities. The expansion for our trading company and its affiliated growers lies in varieties for climates that are quite different from those here in the Netherlands. The challenge also is: how on earth are we going to grow suitable seed potatoes here? It’s possible, thank goodness, thanks to sophisticated breeding. A likely candidate is the STT 05 561. This cross result has been specifically developed to yield fine, big tubers in a short period of time. It’s immune to stress, stores well, etcetera. But it does require seed potato growers who really get to know that variety well and know how to fit it into their cropping plan. It’s the only way to make it profitable.’ Harry van de Vijver, Germicopa, Cedex (F): ‘In search of total solutions’ Think of varieties for all segments with resistances to Phytophthora, nematodes and scab, which also have a high yield. Those are the factors that are interesting to the grower. If you look at the consumer, a variety should also be pleasing to the eye, and do well in the supermarkets. It’s obvious, but that’s how we operate. A well-chosen example is the Gwenne. That’s a promising table potato variety that’s being developed and about which the sector will hear a lot. The Gwenne combines all those characteristics from which grower and consumer can benefit. Guus Heselmans, Meijer Potato, Rilland-Bath: ‘Use what you produce’ ‘The greatest common denominator in our breeding work is: “Use what you produce”. That term is central to our breeding activities. Freely interpreted it roughly means make sure you can use as much as possible of what you produce. If you focus on the development of varieties, it’s all about breeding varieties that don’t generate losses. Whatever you can do about that genetically, we put into new varieties. Resistance is a means to get there, it’s not the aim, you see. Boasting about your gross harvest is nice for party talk, but that doesn’t say anything about the bottom line. That may sound boring, but that’s really what we’re looking at. If you want a recent example of that, I’d mention the Lady Anna. This variety is the most efficient French-fry potato both grower and manufacturer could wish for. How is that possible? It’s the guaranteed length. All the tubers are long. This means in practice that you can start cutting chips from 40 mm onwards. Gross is net, that’s Lady Anna’s characteristic.’ It has a very high yield combined with strong scab resistance, and it’s not very susceptible to Phytophthora or nematodes. Moreover, the tubers have an attractive appearance and they’re also very tasty.’ Potato World 2014 • number 2 17 Pagina 16
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