u CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY Organic crop protection chemicals are gaining ground throughout the world stance of a biological isn’t a great deal higher than what occurs in nature or it’s broken down very quickly. However, we’ve decided to go for a complete registration dossier. Both the biological effectiveness and the toxicity have been investigated, because not everything that grows in nature is safe. It’s important that biological crop protection products are tested for every single aspect just like chemical products. This is necessary in order to guarantee their safety for man and the environment and to assure the user that the effectiveness of the product has been researched.’ Combination with chemistry ‘We’re aiming for the integration of these products into the current working methods, and we don’t intend the biologicals to replace the chemical products. This is predominantly a consciousness-raising process, which requires a new interaction in the chain, from producer to buyer. Collaboration in the entire chain is necessary for the introduction to be successful. For example, we’re regularly talking with big buyers such as Pepsico, McCain and Avebe. These companies are clearly showing an interest in the developments in Europe and ask us what the possibilities are. Together, we have to prepare these products for use in practice. We like to learn from the new developments together with the partners from the sector and via them with the growers. The use of biologicals fits the modern approach of growing potatoes. Think of projects such as Skylark, which already give more depth towards conscious and sustainable farm management’, Wijsmuller explains. ‘We are used to register products with 90 to 100 percent effectiveness. Biologicals don’t have that yet’, Jolanda Wijsmuller explains. Extensive testing An interesting product for the cultivation of potatoes that is going to be introduced in the coming years is Serenade. This product contains a bacterium found in the soil called Bacullus subtillis QST 713 and acts against Rhizoctonia and Fusarium in potatoes. It has already been approved in America. In 2011, Agraquest announced that 16,000 hectares of American potato land had been treated with this product. Wijsmuller wants to start long-term testing in Europe to show its effectiveness. ‘All over the world, the Dutch potato sector is known to be working at a very high level. Growers expect their products to have a sustainable, reliable effectiveness. You can’t take for granted that if a product is effective in one area, this will be also the case in other areas. Biologicals may have a completely different effect in other areas. As a result of intensive cultivation, soil in the Netherlands often lacks healthy soil life. This may influence the effect of biologicals. We also aim to develop a product for this market with the best possible effectiveness guarantee. This requires a different approach than chemicals. The finetuning is important. We are used to registering products with 90 to 100 percent effectiveness. Biologicals don’t have that yet. They still need the support of the chemicals to be fully effective. This new approach requires more from the grower and his advisors. It requires more knowledge and customisation. Again, this fits the trend for more regard for the soil and an integrated cultivation approach. ● Jaap Delleman um in potatoes In 2011, 16,000 hectares of American potato land was treated with Potato World 2014 • number 3 7 Pagina 6
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