: CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY Crisis or not, without breeding there are no solutions ‘We need to inform each other’ when to kill the haulm if you know exactly whether the contents of the tuber are optimal. You can do that with new varieties but also with older varieties such as the Innovator. The result of proper testing is that the processor in the chips factory needs to turn fewer knobs to fry perfect chips. He gets a much more even product to process, because the contents of all the lots of a variety are the same. Growers, too, need to start thinking in a different way. They shouldn’t think first and foremost of maximum kilogram yields, but also focus on the buyer and ask: how they can provide their buyers with what they really need? By gearing the links in the chain to each other, you can achieve so much more, with both existing and new varieties. The fact that this hasn’t happened yet is, in my opinion, the biggest cause of the current crisis.’ Hans Rommens, Interseed: ‘ISP 13-11-07 fits the growth market’ Jan Janse, Europlant: ’Ivetta and Ribera bring taste and resistance together’ ‘Crisis is about a problem that needs to be addressed’, Jan Janse of Europlant in Heerenveen starts his answer. ‘In Europe, we have a typical trade cycle problem this year that may be completely different next year. A structural problem, though, is the nematode issue. Random checks in various potato countries have now shown that this has become a European problem. It’s up to us to come up with solutions, which we’ve also done with the Ivetta and Ribera varieties. The Ivetta is resistant to every potato cyst nematode pathovar that’s monitored in the Netherlands. We’re talking about the official names used by the Netherlands Food & Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA). They are RO1, RO2, RO3, Pa2 and Pa3. Furthermore, Ivetta is an early variety, comparable to the Marabelle, and has a good yield average. Provided you follow the right cultivation method, Ribera usually has above-average yields. Ivetta and Ribera are table potato varieties that combine taste with a broad resistance and that is something special. Twice as nice, as we call it in our varieties’ campaign. The newcomers are both varieties that are suitable for the European market, ideal for small packaging firms. The market is extremely enthusiastic about them, so I’m convinced that these varieties will help the sector to overcome the crisis. ‘Fast food is still a growth market. Crisis or not, we at Interseed have been focusing for years on new varieties in this segment, which can still do with improvement’, is the reaction of Hans Rommens, Manager of the Dronten branch. ‘We are always looking ahead, both in good and bad years. In the row of boxes with new, likely candidates, for example, is the ISP 13-11-07, a whitefleshed French-fry variety, which is even whiter than the current standard. There’s just a demand for them. It’s a mid-early French-fry potato that can be harvested immediately after the early Zorba, one of our most important French-fry varieties at this moment. It’s good for both seed and consumption growers to know that the new variety is also resistant to potato cyst nematodes, A and F in this case. It also has very strong haulm. We expect a great deal from this variety, but testing has not yet been completed. Registration is in full swing at the moment and we also still need a few more trials. Yet, I’m fully confident that this variety is going to be very successful in the future.’ Potato World 2015 • number 2 27 Pagina 26
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