excellent grading & cleaning www.dtdijkstra.nl 荷兰农业协会 Bringing the World Leading Dutch Potato Chain to the Markets In India, China and South‐East Asia Dutch agriculture associa�on NAFTC presents a diverse range of agriculture companies. Technology, equipment and exper�se covering cul�va�on, open eld farming, post-harvest, storage, processing, packaging and marke�ng. A one-stop-shop for cu�ng edge solu�ons, exper�se and brands, anywhere in the potato chain. Present at China Potato Expo in Yanqing, July 2015 Come visit the Holland Pavilion! China office: info@na�c-china.org Tel.: +86-10-6216 7499 World Wide Web: www.na�c.nl www.na�c-india.com www.na�c-china.org Pagina 31
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