CULTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY EU production is forecast down in 2015, while stability reigns in North America EU-5 area, yield and production of ware potatoes,* 2009 to forecast 2014 2015f % ch'ge Area (hectares) Yield (tonnes/ha) Harvest ('000 tonnes) 26875.8 2014p 580390 -3.1 598925 46.31 -5.5 49.00 -8.4 29346.4 % ch'ge 2013 2012 2011 2010 4.3 11.6 43.92 41.92 Note: *Ware and seed for Germany and UK; France excludes earlies. Sources: National statistical authorities; AMI. US autumn potato area, yield and production, 2009 to forecast 2014 2015f % ch'ge 2014 both Germany and the UK, to around 48 tonnes/hectare in Germany and 40 Area ('000ha) - Planted - Harvested Yield (tonnes/ha) Harvest (million t) 366.2 -3.1 0.7 17.970 362.5 -3.6 376.2 49.57 49.24 -3.0 18.521 377.9 -0.6 -0.1 3.4 Note: WMP forecasts for 2015 in italics. Sources: US Department of Agriculture; NAPMN. tonnes/hectare in the UK. But that wouild still make the German yield would be the third largest on record. For the five countries, this year’s average yield of 46.31 tonnes/hectare would be 5.5% smaller than last year. US production stability Apart from a very poor crop in 2010, the US harvest of autumn potatoes fluctuates remarkably little from year to year and has generally been close to 18 million tonnes. This year is likely to be no exception. On a medium-term trend basis, plantings of autumn potatoes should fall by 3.6% to 362 500 hectares, comprised of 125 000 hectares in Idaho, 64 500 hectares in Washington and 173 000 hectares in the other states. Yields have recently been rising strongly in Washington and Idaho but less strongly in the other states. The respective trend levels for this year are 69.9 tonnes/hectare in Washington, 47.9 tonnes/hectare in Idaho and 43.2 tonnes/ hectare in the other states. This combination would give an autumn Canadian potato area, yield and production, 2008 to forecast 2014 2015f Planted area (hectares) Harvest area (hectares) Av. Yield (t/ha) Harvest ('000 tonnes) 134600 133500 32.90 4392.0 % ch'ge 2014 -4.3 -4.0 -1.1 Note: WMP forecasts for 2015 in italics. Data source: CANSIM. 140644 139075 33.26 -5.1 4625.9 % ch'ge 2013 2012 2011 2010 -2.2 -2.2 +1.5 143800 142184 32.77 151010 148564 30.76 145889 141155 29.68 harvest of 17.97 million tonnes, 3% down on last year’s crop of 18.521 million tonnes but larger than the 2013 harvest of 17.929 million tonnes. In addition to the autumn crop detailed above, the US also produces spring and summmer potatoes. A total 48 600 hectares of these potatoes were grown last year, producing 1.740 million tonnes. The average yield was 35.8 tonnes/hectare. Further Canadian decline likely In Canada there has been a strong downward trend in plantings from the 2003 peak, interrupted only by a resurgence in 2012. A further 4.3% contraction is likely this year. Harvest losses have been just above 1% in recent years and the harvested area should be 133 500 hectares, 4% smaller than last year. ● 574086 555996 583985 47.75 569732 43.96 16.4 25215.6 23307.9 27887.6 25043.8 % ch'ge 2013 2012 2011 2010 380.1 376.6 405.4 400.2 47.61 47.38 387.6 380.2 46.67 361.9 356.7 46.61 3.3 17.929 18.958 17.744 16.624 144473 139212 31.66 -0.7 4660.0 4569.5 4189.9 4406.8 Potato World 2015 • number 2 49 Pagina 48

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