China wants to secure its food supply with potatoes TRADE AND MARKETING ‘China mainly focuses on high-quality fast food, but there’s also a steady growth in casual dining’, Dick Zelhorst points out. Zelhorst explains. In the coming years, Aviko wants to expand its production in China. ‘In 10 to 15 years’ time, we expect to have more French-fry factories operational at more locations in China. We’ll first aim for the same market share as we have in Europe. This means that we’ll then be one of the key players in China’, predicts Zelhorst. Large-scale requires new varieties The interest in China doesn’t only come from the processing industry. The seed potato sector is also eager to start working together with the Chinese. Some are already active here like the Dutch trading company HZPC in Joure. HZPC is currently one of few seed and variety suppliers active in the super power providing growers for the French-fry industries and others with high-quality seed and new, improved varieties;. ‘It‘s part of our mission to want to be present ourselves in all the countries in the world with a professional potato chain, explains HZPC Commercial Director Herman Verveld. ‘Consumers in Asia are still on a fairly unvaried rice diet and are looking for variety in food. They find this in potatoes, which also have the advantage of additional nutrients. In addition, the Chinese government has developed a strategy to guarantee food security; this strategy runs parallel with a water shortage for irrigation in agriculture. In broad outlines, the government says: ‘instead of three rice crops as is currently the case, we want to change that into two rice crops and one potato crop.’ They are aiming for large scale and food security. This applies to both quality and quantity, which is why they provide such enormous subsidies to stimulate the innovation of agriculture. As much as 50 percent subsidy is possible for purchasing mini tubers. This is done to stimulate healthy, high-quality planting stock. This has resulted in an enormous increase in rapid multiplication stations. It’s questionable whether this is always well-thought-through or sufficiently productive, however. So there’s a need for knowledge and expertise from the western companies. Partly as a knowledge partner and partly as a supplier of varieties. In order to increase cultivation and yield, you need new varieties. The Chinese sector still works a lot with old varieties, certainly for the fresh market. These varieties usually have deep eyes and low yields. That means nobody is happy, neither the supermarkets nor the consumers. So, there’s an enormous need for new varieties. Supermarkets and wholesale traders all like Western potatoes that can be washed and have smooth skins.’ Lots to discover ‘Of course, there are certain conditions before we export our varieties and knowledge to a foreign country’, Verveld emphasises. ‘The country must accept the registration of a The Chinese government wants to increase the potato acreage to 10 million hectares in the coming years. Potato World 2015 • number 2 7 Pagina 6
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