TRADE AND MARKETING Complete cropping marketing programmes provide the Italian market with new élan ing’, Smid says. Agroplant shares this information with the growers in the various growing areas in order to improve quality level and yield. On the Auchan supermarket shelves, there were not quite firm-skinned Spuntas for 79 euro cents per kilogram. We noted that some of the potatoes were showing a lot of green discolouration. use of the fertiliser InCa. When you use this calcium fertiliser in the correct way, you get stronger tubers during harvestKeep your hand in A lot of experience with growing Actrice has been acquired in the south of France. The French agent of Agroplant, Giuseppe Panza of the Comyn distribution company, has been growing potatoes of this variety since 2010. Today, he’s already cultivating 200 hectares. Due to this success, the company is examining the possibilities of growing the variety in the northern part of France. A few years ago, Export Manager Marten Jukema of Agroplant also saw opportunities to grow and market the variety in Italy. Because Panza is Italian by birth, Jukema asked him to join him in mapping out the Italian market. After this market assessment, it transpired that Marmocchi, Alberto Roncagli’s company, recognised distinct possibilities for this variety in the market. ‘Today, two years later, there are already 400 hectares of Actrice consumption potatoes growing in Italy. Looking into the future, in addition to a year-round supply of the variety, Roncagli also sees opportunities for firstearly potatoes from Puglia. To expand this further, he would very much like to set up programmes with local growers in order to professionalise the market. By intensively supervising these growers, he’s been able to considerably improve the quality level, resulting in a demand for potatoes from Puglia. He’s also examining other new varieties such as Picobella in order to create a wider market for his growers and his company. ‘The best way to make programmes is with new varieties. These are the easiest to keep in hand and provide the market optimally’, is Roncagli’s belief. ● Jaap Delleman Looking into the future, in addition to a year-round supply of the Actrice in prominent packaging, Roncagli also sees opportunities for first-early potatoes from Puglia. Potato World 2016 • number 1 27 Pagina 26

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