We welcome you! We welcome you at our stand and to see our machines during the Potato Europe 2016. Let us inspire and surprise you with our outstanding technique. Meet our advisors and let us convince you of the Grimme quality and power. Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG . grimme@grimme.de . www.grimme.com Grimme Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG · Hunteburger Straße 32 · 49401 Damme · Germany Phone +49 5491 666-0 · Fax +49 5491 666-2298 · grimme@grimme.de · www.grimme.com FOR EVERY SIZE Sorting- and processing equipment Plant breeders’ rights Illegal copying prohibited! PO ARE Coverage degree 95% Barn storage capacity of at least 60 tons/hr Effi cient use of protection agents www.breederstrust.eu www.schoutenkampen.com/en Meet us at the Potato Europe in Villers-SaintChristophe (FR)! Pagina 35
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