P ot a t o w o r l d CONTENT: Journal for the Potato sector • number 4 • 2016 Focus on taste and quality at Flevostar Potato > page 4 11 PW-Actua 25 British entrepreneur opts for cultivation specialisation 28 China steps up its aim of being a potato powerhouse 33 The World of PotatoResearch 34 PotatoWorld dish 34 PW Agenda Processing industry should open up the potato sector of Argentina > page 21 The art of export They’re magic, the figures that the processing industries jointly realise in the worldwide export of processed products. These enormous trade flows are the basis for the successful cultivation of potatoes in various areas. This isn’t only happening in Europe and America, but also businesses in China and India are developing rapidly in the domain of processing. Argentina also wants to become much more active in the worldwide domain of the export of chips. Right now, the processors are already exporting 75 percent of the local production. Mostly to their neighbour country Brazil at the moment, but as the culture keeps on growing, this cultivation area, which is very suitable for potatoes, can develop even further. Mauricio Macri, the new President, also seems to be working intensively for further internationalisation of this South American country. Every cultivation area has its own challenges. As a result of climate change, large areas of the world are running the risk of drying up and other parts of flooding, which will increasingly result in big crop failures. The Argentinians will have to take steps to lower the cost price in order to be able to compete effectively in the global trade in deepfrozen chips. In the Netherlands, growers are seeking challenges in growth, where the financial risks, such as sure sales and income, are increasing exponentially. Or is it like Victor Grippo’s art work Analogía IV, which I had the privilege of admiring in the famous MALBA museum in Buenos Aires. This art work symbolises how technology makes a beautiful world, but eventually results in food shortages. Does this mean that we should all go back to potatoes that are authentically grown in fields and are tastily prepared on our plates and are the staple food for people all over the world? You can see which side I´m on: Power to the Potato! Jaap Delleman Potato World 2016 • number 4 3 Pagina 2
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