Transparent taring is essential for a fair price CU LTIVATION AND TECHNOLOGY T he end of August is a peak period in Peka Kroef’s new taring area. The inspector is busy checking the field samples so that proper and reliable advice can go out to the growers for the dates on which they can start the haulm killing. At the same time, the inspector examines the lot for defects and underwater weight, among other things. This means Peka Kroef already has a picture of the development of the sixty plots they monitor annually during the growing season. The factory needs to be supplied with potatoes every day, whereby the company processes potatoes from its own growers, as well as lots bought from traders. Peka Kroef peels approx. 200,000 tons of potatoes annually into fresh, cooled convenience potatoes, which the company sells as a premium brand to Automatic taring demonstrates reliability, Peter van Boxtel (r) and Michel Remijn know. By scanning the label with the batch data, the inspector links the lot to the grower. The inspector brings the sample into the line, where it is immediately weighed. A roll grader sorts the sample for size. Potato World 2017 • number 1 25 Pagina 24

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